b'P E R F O R M B E T T E R P A R T N E R S C A R N E G I E S C H O O L O F S P O R T - E N G L A N D N E T B A L L L E E D S B E C K E T T U N I V E R S I T YPerform Better are pleased to continue our partnership with England NetballIn 2021 Perform Better and Leeds Beckett University Carnegie School of as their Official Fitness Supplier. As part of the partnership, Perform Sport agreed a unique long term research partnership which involves the Better provide Strength and Conditioning and recovery products to EnglandUniversity carryingout Masters Research projects on a number of Perform Netball for international training camps and matches. We are proud to supportBetters leading Sports Science and Strength & Conditioning products. The the growth of netball and womens sport in the UK.ground-breaking agreement tied in with the construction of a new, 45m state-of-the-art building at the Headingley Campus.R O S S L Y N P A R K N A T I O N A LA R E TP E R F O R M A N C ES C H O O L S S E V E N S Aret Performance provides specialist performance support, coaching and Perform Better have been appointed as the Official Performance Partner ofrehabilitation services for individuals, teams, schools and businesses.Rosslyn Park National Schools Sevens. The Rosslyn Park National SchoolsDirectors & Co-Founders Ian Taplin and Tom Farrow have a combined Sevens has evolved into the worlds largest rugby tournament with overexperience of over 30 years in professional sport, including; Wasps, England & 10,000 boys and girls aged 11 - 18 competing annually.GB Rugby Sevens, and the English Institute of Sport alongside consulting with a wide variety of athletes, teams, schools and businesses. Ian is currently the Head of Academy Strength & Conditioning with London Irish, whilst Tom is the Head of Physical Performance & Sport Science at Wolverhampton Wanderers.www.arete-performance.comS T . G E O R G ES P A R K , T H E F AS N A T I O N A L F O O T B A L L C E N T R E N E T B A L L E X C E L L E N C E St. Georges Park, The FAs National Football Centre which opened in 2012,T R A I N I N Gis a 105 million facility that provides world-class facilities for all 28 England teams ahead of international matches. The FA appointed Perform Better as theCoaching for netballers of all ages and abilities to help them to excel their game Official Supplier of Strength and Conditioning equipment to St. Georges Park. both on and off the court. With over 15 Years experience coaching within the England and Franchise set-up, founder Jenni Monger understands exactly what is expected from a performance environment.The NET Membership is our On-Demand training service which will help you to train like an athlete. Access 200+ specialist skill and strength-based training T H E B R I T I S H H O R S E R A C I N Gsessions delivered by experts in 15-minute blocks. Have NET visit your school or club and expose your athletes to a performance session to EXCEL their A U T H O R I T Y ( B H A )game!www.netballexcellencetraining.comThe British Horseracing Authority (BHA) in collaboration with individual racecourses, the Racecourse Association (RCA), the Professional Jockeys Association (PJA) and the Injured Jockeys Fund (IJF) is working on the development and growth of racing and prioritises the health and welfare of the sports participants.S T U M P U P F O R T R E E SN E T B A L L S U P E R L E A G U E Stump Up For Trees is an ambitious, community-based charity focused on woodland creation and enhancing biodiversity in the Brecon Beacons area of south-east Wales. The charity is planting one million trees, using innovative Perform Better continue to support the Netball Super League. Providingpublic-private funding initiatives. We build a sustainable future by working world-leading equipment where required for each team, as well as strength kit,with Stump Up For Trees each year to offset our carbon footprint.activation equipment warm-up, recovery kit and general fitness items. www.stumpupfortrees.org93performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'