b'S T R E N G T H T R A I N I N G / A Q U A B A G S , B A L L S & W E I G H T E D B A G S1. Tidal Tank Pro TubeThe new Tidal Tank Pro range is designed to improve explosive sports performance, boost core power and optimise motor learning. The weight and stability of the Tube can be adjusted by the amount of water added. It is an improved version of the Aqua bag. Anti-friction pads have been added below the handles to prevent chafing and includes an updated valve for much faster filling.Tidal Tank Pro Tube - Small 20x65cm PB1302 106.00Tidal Tank Pro Tube - Medium 20x85cm PB1302A 123.00Tidal Tank Pro Tube - Large 23x85cm PB1302B 135.002. Tidal Tank Pro SphereThe Sphere includes all the same features as the Tube and can be used as a kettlebell, medicine ball or atlas stone.Tidal Tank Pro Sphere- Small 30cm PB1303 106.00Tidal Tank Pro Sphere- Medium 40cm PB1303A 120.003. Tidal Tank Hydro VestThe Hydro Vest is designed to fit all size of users - the weight and stability of theTidal Tank can be adjusted by the amount of water used. The Hydro Vest includes a Pro Tube in the system. 1 2PB1304 185.004. PowerbagsPowerbags are one of the most innovative and adaptable training tools that can be used for a wide variety of training situations. The instability in construction and flexible handles makes the Powerbag more difficult to lift than conventional weights. Powerbags can be used for Olympic lifting movements and variations on Olympic lifting movements, to include diagonal and rotational moves. Available from 5kg - 50kg.5kg PB228A 56.00 30kg PB228G 110.0010kg PB228C69.00 35kg PB228H 112.0015kg PB228D 74.00 40kg PB228I 119.0020kg PB228E 89.00 45kg PB228J 126.0025kg PB228F 96.00 50kg PB228K 139.00 5. PB Weighted BagsPB weighted bags are an extremely versatile piece of equipment offering4more flexibly to your functional training. These bags are suitable for all levels of fitness and come in a range of weights and allow you to perform a range of exercises, including squats, lunges and rows, with added intensity to ensure maximum results. Available from 5-25kg. 35kg PB228L 39.00 20kg PB228O 60.0010kg PB228M 49.00 25kg PB228P 69.0015kg PB228N 55.006. Hex Functional BagsHex is a game-changer for fitness enthusiasts of all levels, offering a versatile, portable, and user-friendly design. From squats and lunges to bench and stepper exercises, Hex provides unmatched comfort and functionality. Available from 5kg-30kg in 2.5kg increments. Small 5kg PB1313A 178.00 Large 17.5kg PB1313H 195.00Small 7.5kg PB1313B 178.00 Large 20kg PB1313I 195.00Small 10kg PB1313C 178.00 Large 22.5kgPB1313J 215.00Small 12.5kg PB1313D 178.00 Large 25kg PB1313K 215.00Small 15kg PB1313E 178.00 Large 27.5kg PB1313L 215.00Small 17.5kg PB1313F 178.00 Large 30kg PB1313M 215.00 5 661performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'