b'P E R F O R M A N C E W O R K S H O P S , C O N F E R E N C E S & T R A I N I N GU K S C A A C C R E D I T E D W O R K S H O P SPerform Better are proud to offer the UKSCA Accredited Trainer Diploma in conjunction with Kevin Paxton of Chirosport Fitness. The course, which is on the Ofqual Framework Level 3 in S&C Trainer, is designed to elevate the skills and expertise of participants to increase their confidence and gain necessary resources and experience to safely mentor others within a gym environment. The course serves as a pre-cursor to the UKSCA ASCC which is the highest level of Strength & Conditioning qualification available in the UK.Please refer to our website for the latest Workshop programme and booking details.P E R F O R M A N C E C O N F E R E N C E SIn addition to our Workshop programme, Perform Better will be present at a number of Conferences this year including: UK Strength & Conditioning Association, Sport in the Curriculum, Rosslyn Park National Schools Sevens and England Cricket Fitness, amongst others. We will be adding other Performance Conferences to our programme throughout the year.Please refer to our website for the latest Conference programme and booking details.P R O D U C T D E M O N S T R A T I O N S A N D T R A I N I N GPerform Better have a team of highly qualified Sports Scientists and Strength and Conditioning Specialists who are fully trained on our product range. If you would like a demonstration of any of our technical pieces of equipment please call to arrange. We also include full on-site training on our technical items of equipment, which we will arrange with you once the equipment has been delivered.Please call for further details on our demonstration and training packages.I N - H O U S E T R A I N I N G C O U R S E SPerform Better are able to run in-house training courses for our customers on our range of Sports Science products. We will put together a programme to meet your needs in terms of content you require, the level of staff attending the course and the equipment you have in your facility.Please call for further details on our in-house training courses and packages.CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION ON OUR CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP PROGRAMME7performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'