b'S T O R A G E / S T R E N G T H T R A I N I N G1. Horizontal Dumbbell Rack 7. Olympic Bar HolderHeavy-duty design, rubber saddlesHolds eight Olympic bars - ideal for for correct weight location andhex bars and other larger bars.protection. Multiple racks can be linked together. PB468A 220.005 pair:8. Wall Mounted Horizontal 84cm (H) x 122cm (L) x 53cm (D) Olympic Bar Holder10 pair:Holds eight Olympic bars - contains 84cm (H) x 244cm (L) x 84cm (D) two uprights and wall fixings.12 pair: 81cm (H) x 298cm (L) x 55cm (D) PB468C 165.005 Pair Rack PB528D 273.00 9. Cable Attachment Rack10 Pair Rack PB528D1 452.00 Includes 16 hanging prongs for1 2 312 Pair Rack PB528D2 494.00 storing all types and sizes of cable attachments.2. Vertical Dumbbell RackVertical Dumbbell Rack is ideal toPB468E 340.00save space and is specifically for10. Medicine Ball Racksuse with: 1-10kg & 2-20kg sets. Sturdy construction, space-saving 157cm (H) x 74cm (W) x 60cm (D) design to keep your gym floor tidy. Takes all sizes of medicine ball.PB485 350.00Small (up to 5 balls) PB284 175.003. Kettlebell Rack Medium (up to 10 balls) PB285 245.00Stores a full set of kettlebells of anyLarge (up to 20 balls) PB286230.00size. Mats on the shelves reduce noise and protect the kettlebells.11. Storage Box2 Tier:Large box to store all your small4 5 6 784cm (H) x 53cm (W) x 122cm (L) equipment with lockable top. 3 Tier:Transport wheels can be added 119cm (H) x 60cm (W) x 156cm (L) if required. Various colours are available.2 Tier Rack PB529C227.00 50cm (H) x 150cm (L) x 50cm (D)3 Tier Rack PB529A 359.00PBE1229 330.004. Olympic Disc Weight TreeHeavy duty construction with a12. Storage Cagemulti bar storage system to keepStore all types of small itemsyour facility tidy. boxing equipment, med balls, etc. Lockable lid for added security. PB467B 190.00 122cm (L) x 61cm (W) x 76cm (H)5. Olympic Disc Toast Rack PB471D 470.00 8 9 10Holds Olympic large and small13. Hex Bar Holderdiameter discs. Complete withSimple way to store all sizes of hex handle and wheels for easybar on the wall.mobility. PB991D 32.00PB467A 215.0014. Vertical Bar Holder6. Wall Mounted Disc Storage Store bars efficiently and safely. Stores all sizes of Olympic andAvailable as a single, double, triple training plates. Includes four and quadruple holder.wall fixings. Bar hanger - single PB991 31.00PBE468D 139.50 Bar hanger - double PB991A 36.00Bar hanger - triple PB991B 48.00Bar hanger - quadruple PB991C 60.00 11 12 13 14Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 68'