b'C A S E S T U D I E ST H E G R A N G E S C H O O L B R O W N S S P O R T R E S O R T - P O R T U G A LThe Grange Schools gym facility previously served as a multipurpose leisureWith 20 years experience, Browns Sports Resort is located in Vilamoura in and sports centre, utilised by staff, students, and the local community. It wasthe heart of Portugals Algarve. The private, enclosed resort has a total area equipped with cardio machines, selectorised strength equipment, a single squatof 53,000m2 with on-site accommodation and first-class sporting facilities rack, and a small functional rig. While practical, the space did not fully meet thedesigned to cater for sports teams from professional, amateur through to evolving requirements of the schools PE curriculum or its athletic developmentgrassroots. Over 800 teams have used Browns world class facilities over programme. the past 20 years including England Rugby, Ireland Rugby, Georgia Rugby, Working together, the Director of Sport, the S & C Coach, and PB planned andManchester City FC amongst many others.developed a space that fostered a more effective and adaptable environmentThe on-site facilities include a 300sqm High Performance gym that was to encourage physical literacy, better support the needs and development ofdeveloped a number of years ago. Due to the increased usage from high profile young athletes, and efficiently accommodate the flow and management of large groups. The redesign ensured the facilitysports teams in 2023 it was decided to commence an upgrade programme of the gym. Due to their expertise and experience could handle high usage demands while maintaining functionality and accessibility for a variety of activities.in designing and equipping performance gym spaces for Professional Rugby and Football Clubs, Perform Better were selected to re-design and re-equip the facility.The equipment installed included:10 Bay Free-Standing Storage Rig, Branded Oak Platforms x5, Branded Adjustable benches x9, Olympic bars and plates,The equipment installed included:Hex bars, Kettlebells, Slam balls, Prowler, Resistance bands, Sliders, TRX Pro, Plyometric boxes, Concept Bikes x2, Concept Back to Back Elite Half Rack, Multi Stack Pulley System, Adjustable Benches x4, Dual 45 degree Leg Press, Wattbike Pro x3, Ski Ergs x2, Performance flooring, Turf Track Concept 2 Ski Erg, Dumbbell SetT H E K I N G S L E Y S C H O O L S O M E R S E T C O U N T Y C R I C K E T C L U BThe Kingsley School wanted a new gym to provide the students and teachers Somerset CCC required to upgrade their Strength and Conditioning facility a facility to excel their performance, enhance sport lessons to learn thethat caters for the mens senior team, developing cricketers and the recent fundamentals of training and making the gym a welcoming place for everyone.addition of the new professional womens cricket team. Having worked with PB Perform Better worked with the school to transform their gym hall into an allpreviously we were again selected to design and equip the new larger space. purpose gym. We installed a combination of wall mounted racks, a functional rigThe design involved working with the Performance and Medical teams at the with additional lifting stations, a track, free weights section, selectorised kit andclub and contractors to create a professional performance gym environment CV equipment. The facility can now accommodate all of the schools needs. suitable for all athletes. The equipment installed included: The equipment installed included:Standard Wall Mounted Racks x2, Bespoke Standard 4 Bay Rig, DAP, LegSquat Stands, 45 degree Leg Press, High Low Pulley, Belt Squat, Leg Extension/Extension/Leg Curl, Chest Press, Leg Press, Adjustable Bench x2, ConceptCurl, Glute Ham Bench, Adjustable Benches, DC Blocks, Dumbbell Set, Olympic RowErg x4, Concept SkiErg x2, Spirit CT800+Treadmill x4, Olympic RubberDiscs and Bars, Performance Flooring with inset Platforms, Turf Track.Discs and storage, Rubber Hex Dumbbells and racks, Wall Balls, Performance Flooring and Turf Track.3performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'