b'H Y D R A T I O N & B I O - I M P E D E N C E A N A L Y S I S / T E S T I N G1. Kamleon Smart Hydration4. Pen Portable Hydration Analysis System AnalyserNEW Kamleon is the worlds first smartThe hand-held Specific Gravity urine analysis platform for realPen Refractometer utilises the time hydration monitoring withoutrefractive index method to changing your daily habits. Themeasure the specific gravity of analysis cartridge is easily installedurine. The pen type refractometer into a urinal or conventional toiletis extremely easy to use - simply and is extremely durable. It linksdip the tip into the sample and to the interactive display that ispress the Start key and the result mounted above the urinal andappears in two seconds. gives athletes immediate feedback. The hydration statusdata willPB190B 520.00be automatically synced with the Kamleon App to allow you to5. Tanita DC-430 MA Pmonitor your full squad over time.Featuring Dual Frequency BIA The S-Urinal can be used withtechnology, the DC-430MA P a multi-login system: QR code,delivers full body composition password, or RFID.analysis in 15 seconds, combined with Tanita Pro Software. It has PB1321 POA been accredited with the accuracy grade MDD Class II allowing use for 2. InFlow medical consultations.InFlow uses reflectance spectroscopy to analyse multiplePB202C 3,350.00wavelengths of light for use in its 1 2 proprietary algorithms for light6. Tanita MC-780 MA Pspectrum analysis. This analysisThe MC-780MA P provides instant is used to quantify the degree ofanalysis of a clients health and hydration in real-time. The devicefitness status as well as monitoring is fitted into a urinal and givestheir progress over time. Its visual feedback in the form of red,interactive stand-alone unit gives a amber or green light so playersfull medical-grade segmental body can get instant feedback on theircomposition analysis in less than hydration, rather than waiting20 seconds. Displays: body fat, fat for time consuming results to bemass kg, fat-free mass kg, muscle analysed. mass kg, total body water %, body Single PB190D 618.00 mass index, bone mass kg, visceral 4 Pack PB190E 2,351.00 fat rating, basal metabolic rate and metabolic age. 3. Portable RefractometerThe Portable Refractometer isPB202B 5,995.00a handheld device to measure hydration status using Specific Gravity.PB190A 368.003 4 5 6Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 34'