b'I N F L A T A B L E I C E B A T H S & A Q U A R U N N I N G S U I T S / R E C O V E R Y1. PB Ice Bath 5. Aqua Running SuitThe inflatable ice bath has beenThe Aqua Running X6, is not developed for sports teams andjust merely a flotation suit, it is a clubs to aid recovery after trainingmodular system that offers the or a match. Can take up to fourpotential to achieve so much more. users. The bath is easy to inflate,It utilises research from conceptual fill, deflate and transport, so is idealmilitary and muscular technology when travelling. Includes pump andand includes six patented modular carry case.flotation pads.Dimensions: 160cm (Diameter) xThe Aqua Running X6 enhances 68cm (Depth) the natural resistance of water by making the muscles work harder, PB410E 195.00 supported by water, providing better balance and promoting 2. Recovery TubSolo better running biomechanics. The Ice Recovery Tub has beenThe X6 helps keep muscles designed for sports teams and clubswarmer, enhances a greater range to aid recovery after moderate toof motion and gives a feeling of intense training/competition. comfort and protection to an athlete in the water. The X6 will PB410A 180.00 also help accelerate recovery from 3. Ice Bath Socks competition whilst adding variety Covers the toes and forefoot inand intensity safely to training1 2order to reduce the discomfortsessions. of ice baths without impedingExtra Small PB417 235.00the therapeutic benefits of theSmall PB417A 235.00treatment.MediumPB417B 235.00PB410B 11.00 Large PB417C 235.00Extra Large PB417D 235.004. Avantopool KideKide is an inflatable, compact3pool designed for professionals and home use. The Kide pool can be used almost anywhere and it travels easily in a carry bag. The pool fits up to two people and is made of durable reinforced fibreglass and PVC and is easy to keep clean.Dimensions: 132cm (L) x 78cm (W) x 62cm (H)Capacity: 265 kgPool weight:Filled: 275kgEmpty: 10kgAvantpool Kide PB414N 825.00Avantopool KidePB414M 3,295.00and Cooling unitFOR INFORMATION ON THE FULL AVANTOPOOL RANGE OF COLD AND CONTRAST BATHS VISIT PAGE 365 4Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 84'