b'O P T O J U M P J U M P T E S T I N GO P T O J U M P T E S T I N G S Y S T E MThe Optojump single-metre system is an optical measuring system used forO P T O J U M P A N D W I T T Y T I M I N G analysing jumps, gait and other dynamic movements.I N T E G R A T I O N The system consists of a transmitter and receiver bar, each containing 96 LEDs Optojump may be used in combination with the Witty Timing system (see page at 1cm resolution and is capable of measuring within 1/1000th second. The17). The photocells allow for extremely accurate and reliable timing, acting as system detects any interruption in communication between the two bars toboth the start and stop impulses for running a test. Multiple gates can be added calculate; flight time, contact time, jump height and relative power (W/kg)to get intermediate times, along with the range of parameters fed back by the during a series of tests. The bars can be positioned up to 6 metres apart andOptojump modular system. equipment, such as hurdles, can be placed within the system if required.Hardware features: Software features: O P T O J U M P O N A T R E A D M I L LMore compact design User interface redesignIncreased on board intelligence Enhanced camera integration Optojump can easily be placed on the side of any treadmill for walking or Basic tests can now bePortable LAB infrastructure running analysis. A single bar will be long enough to cover strides on standard-performed on the ProMove App sized treadmills. On treadmills with larger beds, a second bar can be used. New flat interface tower The system will allow you to analyse: stride length, contact time, cadence, acceleration and gait cycle amongst many other parameters.O P T O J U M P A N D G Y K O P R OO P T O J U M P V I D E O A N A L Y S I SI N T E G R A T I O NOptojump can be integrated with the Gyko Pro inertial measurement systemThe system includes a webcam and tripod to allow video analysis whileequipped with the latest generation of sensors, designed for motor andsubjects are being tested. A second webcam can be added to allow videopostural assessments and training. Now even more precise, lighter and morefrom two angles. In addition, high speed cameras can be used to obtainconnected. Measure joint flexibility to improve movement, assess balance tohigher definition footage.improve the control of your body, assess muscular power through force-velocity-power curves.Optojump Jump System PB180 2,888.00For further information on the Gyko Pro system, please visit our website. Optojump Gyko Pro PB185GP 495.00Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 16'