b'M A S S A G E R O L L E R S & S T I C K S / R E C O V E R Y1. Nano Foot Rollers 5. Grid VibeDesigned to increase flexibility andThe Grid Vibe is a vibrating relieve minor muscular aches andfoam roller which helps provide pains associated with the foot andpain relief, increased relaxation, forearm. Available in two densities,and faster recovery. Cordless, regular and the extra-firm Nano Xrechargeable design features high for intense relief. density EVA foam specifically in a compact, portable size 12 x 3.5 Regular PB388K 21.00 for targeted relief. Extra Firm PB388M 21.00PB1172144.002. PB Club Foam RollersManufactured from closed cell PE6. Grid Sticksrecovery memory foamnot theThe worlds first hand held foam 1 2 usual polystyrene foam. Indentsrollers wrapped in patent pending made by knees etc. during aGRID three dimensional surface workout will recover within channels nutrients directly to the 24 hours.tissue for mobility.Available in two densities.PB357D 18.00Grid Stick PB361B28.00Orange Regular3. Grid Rollers Grid Stick BlackThe Grid Roller is constructed withExtra Firm PB361C 31.00less foam than traditional foam rollers; built from EVA foam with7. Foam Roller Holdera plastic inner. The Grid RollerA simple low profile space saving has been designed to withstandstorage solution. Drop rollers constant, heavy, and repeatedinto the top and remove from the use without breaking down. Thebottom. Stores up to six rollers, the unique matrix and distrodensitytwo sides can be positioned at any zones allow for a targeted massage.width to take any length of roller.Available in black or orange and inAvailable in different colours.two sizes.13 Grid Roller PB355B159.00BlackPB359 35.00 8. PB Standard Hard Roller3 4 5 OrangePB359A 35.00Entry level hard roller.26 Grid Roller Dimensions: 33cm long.2.0 BlackPB360 57.00 PB359E35.002.0 Orange PB360A 57.004. Grid X RollersThe Grid X can be used to release the calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, back and lats. The Grid X is twice as firm as the original Grid foam roller, so is ideal for anyone who wants intense compression.PB359C 38.00 VISIT THE WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION FOR ALL OF OUR ROLLERS AND 6 7 8 RECOVERY ITEMSPrices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 90'