b'O P T O J U M P S P R I N T A N A Y L S I SThe Optojump Modular system is an optical measurement system that allows for an in-depth analysis of walking, running or sprinting, as well as any specific movements, such as complete turns or changes of directions.The modular system will measure:Step and stride length Stride angleContact time Treading mode (heel or toe)Exact and average acceleration Imbalance index (real contact Exact and average speed time vs ideal contact time)The Optojump modular system is available in any size from 2m to 100m (additions can be made in 1m increments). The system is very easy and quick to set up with additional sections of the Optojump modular system being joined together by moulded caps. Ribbon wires can also be added into the system to allow for change of direction protocols and/or to extend a linear system. The system is run via a USB cable connected to a Windows-based laptop or computerbattery life varies depending on the number of modular bars, however, additional battery packs can be purchased for prolonged use away from the mains. Optojump 5m PB181B 9,266.00Optojump 10m PB181D 17,036.00Optojump Additional Metre PB181 1,785.00O P T O J U M P 2 D S Y S T E MThe Optojump system can be set up in a grid for two-dimensional acquisition - this function makes it possible to:Acquire highly accurate movement analysis of the athlete within the 6m x 6m areaCreate exercises and reaction tests in which the athlete must move alonga pre-defined course inside the measurement area, testing their reactivity and concentrationPerform complex tests that involve the combination of two or more tests or the combination of jump tests with movement testsMeasure posture and the landing mode of the foot (heel, toe, angle, etc.)Calculate the position on the X and Y coordinates in real-time (for example, to detect the tendency of an athlete to move from a pre-defined position during a series of jumps)In addition to the 2D set up, the system can be set up in multiple configurations for a variety of tests, such as change of direction and turning tests.For a range of new hardware and software features on the Optojump systemCONTACT US TO REQUEST A DEMO WITH ONE see page 16. OF OUR SPORT SCIENTISTS15performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'