b'S T A N D A R D R A C K S / S T R E N G T H T R A I N I N G1. Standard Wall Mountedany core features and affecting Half Rack performanceideal where space A space-saving option, theis a premium. This machine ensures Standard Wall Mounted Rack issmooth operation and easy manufactured from 70mm x 70mmadjustments.box section. Includes a pair of JStandard attachments include: hooks and chinning bar (safety spot High quality linear bearings, arms not included as standard). J Hooks, stainless steel pins, Dimensions: 78cm (D) x 127cm (W)adjustable safety stops.x 250cm (H)PBE746 715.00 PBE711D 4,245.002. Standard Power Rack 6. Standard Half Rack with The Standard Power Rack isInternal Storagemanufactured from 70mm x 70mmIncludes all the features of the box section and includes a pair of JStandard Half Rack but is designed1 2hooks and chinning bar.to hold up to four internal storage Also available in a shorter versionshelves of your choice to store that is 2.2m tall for facilities with avarious accessories. Please visit thelow ceiling height. Dimensions:website for all the storage options.180cm (D) x 170cm (W) x 250cm (H) 7. Standard Half Rack with External StoragePBE747 2,650.00 A central 180cm storage bay is 3. Standard Half Rack capable of holding up to 4 storage The Standard Half Rack isshelves of your choice and can manufactured from 70mm x 70mmbe mounted between two Half box section and includes a pair of Jor Power Racks. Please visit the hooks and chinning bar. Also available inwebsite for all the storage options.a shorter version that is 2.2m tall for8. Standard Wall Mounted facilities with a low ceiling height.Foldable RackDimensions: 140cm (D) x 170cm (W)The Foldable Rack is ideal for x 250cm (H) training areas or for home facilities4 5 3PBE745 1,850.00 where space is at a premium. The unique design allows the rack to be4. Standard Half Rack with Pulleys folded flat against a wall extending The Dual Cable Rack includes twoonly 120mm when the space is Multi Pulleys with 100kg weightrequired. Includes J hooks and stacks built into the Half Rackchinning bar with optional safety frame. Ideal for facilities that arespot arms.limited for space. Dimensions folded: 220cm (H) x132.2cm (W) x 12cm (D)PBE711B4,64500 Dimensions open: 220cm (H) x5. Standard Half Rack with126cm (W) x 76cm (D)Smith Machine StandableThe combination of a SmithFoldable Rack PBE753 1,075.00Machine and Half Rack allowsBasic FoldablePB1137I415.00you to perform multiple exercisesRacksafely in a small area without losing6 7 8Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 44'