b'T E S T I N G / C A L I P E R S , H E I G H T M E T E R S A N D S C A L E S1. Harpenden Calipers 5. Seca Height Measure - 213High-quality stainless steelAccurate portable, free standingcalipers, engineered to preciseheight measure. Includes carryNEWstandards with a resolution ofcase.measurement of 0.2mm. Includes wooden carry case.PB226 92.00Harpenden SoftwarePC application which removes6. Holtain Stadiometerthe need to use look up tables andGives an accurate and direct perform manual calculations whenreading of height, to the nearest1 2 3measuring body fat using skinfoldmm over a range of 600mm to calipers. 2100mm. Made of light alloy and12. Sit and Reach Boxincludes adjustable wall brackets. Test measures the flexibility of the Calipers PB201A 305.00 lower back and hamstring muscles. Software PB201B 59.00 PB200 1,445.00 Universal test for leg, hip and trunk 7. Seca Heavy Duty Digital Pillarflexibility.2. Holway Skinfold Calipers Athletes place their feet against the An ergonomic, analogic, iodizedScale - 769 box. Scale 0-55cm.aluminum caliper with a non- Digital scales, dual lbs/kgs, range friction bushing. Resolution to31st graduated in 100g/0.2lbs. PB217 169.001.0mm. Constant spring pressureBattery operated. provides accurate and consistentPB224 379.00 13. Soft Carry Casereadings throughout the full rangeSoft padded carry case for floor of measurement. They feature an8. Seca Heavy Duty Digitalscales including shoulder strap. indicator branch that has a set ofFloor Scale - 876 Designed to fit the 876 and most two Allen-type screws to allowDigital scales, dual lbs/kgs, rangeflat scales.calibration. Includes carry case and23st graduated in 100g/0.2lbs.Dimensions: 350 x 350 x 60mm.calibration tool. Battery operated. PB224B 53.00PB201D 225.00 PB223 280.0014. Anthropometric Measuring Tape 4 5 6 73. Bicondylar Caliper 9. Seca Heavy Duty Digital Scale Nickel-plated caliper for making- 869 Ideal for girth and limb a variety of body measurements,Digital scales, dual lbs/kgs, rangemeasurements. Range 0-205cm.bone breadth and limb girth.28st, graduated in 50g/0.1lbs. PB204 8.45Includes vinyl carrying case. Range PB223A 232.000-140mm in 1mm increments.PB201 345.00 10. Seca Heavy Duty AnalogueFloor Scale - 7604. Portable Height Measure Large dial, dual lbs/kgs, range 23st, Accurate wall-mounted heightgraduated in 500g/1lbs.8 9 10 11measure which is easy to set up.PB220 129.00Range 0-200cm.11. Hard Carry CasePB225 12.00 Strong, lockable, rigid carry case providing high-level protection for your scales when travelling. Includes foam partitions andVISIT THE WEBSITEFOR shoulder strap.MORE INFORMATION ON TESTING EQUIPMENTPB224A 45.00 12 13 1433performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'