b'T I M I N G & A C C E S S O R I E S / T E S T I N G1. Brower BB Timing System 3. Timebirds Portable Timer ClockThe Brower BB system seamlesslyTimebirds Portable Timer is small connects to your smartphone toenough to fit in your pocket but still capture, store and display testinglarge enough to be clearly visible. data for individuals and smallIncludes a magnetic spine so can be groups for many applications. Theattached to any metal surface in the BB timing system has the provengym. Programmes include: count reliability, accuracy, and precisionup, count down, interval training, of the Brower TCi system. The BBcount up and down by rounds or system relies on the same radio andtime of day. 16-hour battery life.timing technology that powers theDimensions: 47mm (H) x 156mm (L) TCi system. Small group testing.x 23mm (D)Easily test small groups for precise results. Up to 20 split beams canPB177G 135.00be added for scientific testing and4. Digital Timer Clockcustom applications. Digital timer with repeating interval timer, countdown timer 1 Gate System PB174F 765.00 and stopwatch. Six large LED digits, 2 Gate System PB174G 1,055.00 includes remote control, mains powered.2. Brower TCi Timing System Dimensions: 30cm x 7.5cmThe Brower TCi is a wireless timing system with a range up toPB177H 155.00 1 2300m and is accurate to 1/1000th second. Up to 1000 athlete ID5. 50m Tape Measurenumbers can be added into the system, with up to 20 splits perPB179A 14.00athlete. The system includes: one handheld timer with smartphone6. Measuring Wheelinterface, one pair of light cells, TCiFor accurate distance Motion Start, tripods and a carrymeasurement for speed testing. case. The data can be downloadedThe digital counter adds when from the TCi timer to yourmoving forward and subtracts in smartphone. An optional displayreverse.board is available to display results.PB179 55.00 3 41 Gate System PB174 1,400.00Extra Gate PB175 615.00 7.SpeedgunDisplay Board PB176 665.00 Uses digital technology and DSP to provide instantaneous real-time speed measurements. The Speedgun can measure the speed of a cricket/tennis ball up to 110mph from 75+ feet away.PB178 299.008. StopwatchVISIT THE WEBSITEFORPB176B 9.50MORE INFORMATION 5 6 7 8Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 32'