b'B O O T I T / H Y P E R I C E C O N T R A S T C O M P R E S S I O N & R O L L E R S / R E C O V E R Y1. Boot-It 4. Hyperice KneeThe Boot-it device is the only wayEasy-to-use, portable, two-part to engage in cycling safely whilecryotherapy device combining a wearing a walking cast. Boot-it isplush neoprene wrap and ice cell interchangeable to accommodatewith a patented air-release valve, patients with left and right-sidedit moulds the ice to your knee injuries using an original slottedperfectly for an optimal ice cast design on the sole plate. Includestreatment.carry bag. Designed to treat and/or prevent: The Boot-it is compatible with theknee pain and inflammation following support casts- ProCarefrom strains/sprains, ACL/MCL/Nextep walking cast, AircastMeniscus strains or tears and AirSelect Elite walking cast, Aircastpatella tendonitis.AirSelect Standard walking cast, SPD and KEO cleats. PB239G 58.351 PB507A 159.00 5. Venom 2 BackThe Venom 2 Back is a cutting-2. Red Light Therapy Belt edge, digitally connected, wearable 660nm Infrared Light Therapyback device that uses heat and can reach the epidermis, therebyvibration to warm up, loosen, and NEW stimulating cell metabolism.relax sore/stiff back muscles.Infrared light is invisible to the naked eye and can have a thermalPB239M1 225.00effect on muscles, accelerating circulation, alleviating pain, and6. Venom 2 Legrelaxing muscle tension. ThisThe Venom 2 Leg is a cutting-edge, wearable material can be used fordigitally connected, wearable various parts of the back, chest,device that combines heat and arms, shoulders, knees, and body. vibration to warm up, loosen and relax muscles. Can be used on the PB1318 75.00 knee, quad, hamstring and calf.3. Venom 2 Shoulder PB239N1 225.00The Venom range is cutting edge, digitally connected, wearable7. Vyper 3.0/Vyper Go2 3 4 devices that combine heat andPrime your body with a powerful vibration to warm up, loosenvibrating massage. The Vyper and relax muscles. Connects3 accelerates your warm-up,w via Bluetooth to the Hypericespeeds recovery time and keeps App for customised controlyou moving better. The Vyper allowing users to customise the3s contoured design helps avoid temperature, vibration pattern,pressure on your spine and and time to their preference. Nano- other sensitive areas for a more technology heat with adjustablecomfortable roll.temperature levels. The deviceThe Vyper Go balances power with includes 3 levels of vibrationportability, so you can feel your frequency. best at home or on the go. Shake up Available for the left and rightyour self-care routine and energize shoulder.your body with this compact Sold separately. vibrating massage roller.Right PB239P1 225.00 Vyper 3.0 - Black PB239A0 157.50Left PB239O1 225.00 Vyper Go PB239A1 124.00Vyper Go Vyper 3.05 6 7Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 88'