b'P E R F O R M A N C E & R E H A B T R E A D M I L L S / U P P E R B O D Y E R G O / C A R D I O V A S C U L A R E Q U I P M E N T1. WOODWAY 4FrontThe WOODWAY 4Front includes speeds of 12.5mph and elevations up to 0-15% to give athletes the ultimate performance training platform. The 4Front can be customised to meet your needs, including adding speeds up to 18mph.Performance training features:Running surface: 173cm x 55cm, Speed: 12.5mph/20kmph, Gradient 0-15%, optional higher speeds up to 18mph/29kmph, optional higher elevation upto 25%PB802 POA2. WOODWAY CurveThe WOODWAY Curves curved design allows any user, regardless of size or weight, to instantly achieve the speed they require without the use of elevation or a motor. The total manual operation provides a dynamic training tool that allows the athlete to instantly adjust the speed with a few explosive steps. There is no top speed and users are not subject to ramp up time. The standard Curve model includes a battery-operated console which will display speed, distance and calories. WOODWAY Curve LTG PB807A POAWOODWAY Curve PB807 POA1 2 3. Stairmaster Upper Body ErgometerWhether used in a rehabilitation setting or a performance facility, the UBE adjustable tower, convertible crank arms and comfortable grips let you tailor the workout with the right range of motion for your shoulders, back, wrists and elbows.The fan based system features low start-up resistance, with high output at top end. Integrated bench for seated workouts can be removed to accommodate standing or wheelchair workouts. Adjustable cranks for varied range of motion and bilateral or unilateral motions.PB910N 2,250.004. T95 Rehabilitation TreadmillThe T95 treadmill is equipped with full-length adjustable handrails, providing a secure and comfortable grip to support users during rehabilitation and is ideal for clinics and training facilities. It has 40 different programmes including Fitness Test, Heart Rate Controlled and custom.The T95rehabilitation treadmill starts at a speed of 0.3kmh and steadily increases in 0.1kmh increments to suit any ability.The adjustable handrails provide users with a firm and comfortable support regardless of size (can also be for Paediatric use) and mobility, without obstructing the training space. Extending out over the back of the machine, the handrails provide support and stability when accessing and exiting the treadmill.Performance training features:Max Speed- 12mph, Incline- 15%, Running bed size- 152cm x 50cm, Max user weight- 180kg3 4 PB910L2 3,250.00Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 42'