b'W E L C O M E HOW TO ORDEROur helpful staff are here Monday to Friday 8.45am5.15pm on01926 813916 to offer advice and help you with your requirements. Welcome to the new 2025 Perform Better Catalogue. Every year weCredit Card: We accept all major credit and debit cards including Visa, expand and improve our product range to remain at the cutting edge ofMastercard, Access, Switch and Delta.the Performance Monitoring, Sport Science and Strength & ConditioningOfficial Purchase Orders: We accept company or institutionalequipment market. This year we have added to our existing range with somepurchase orders with order numbers printed clearly.exciting new products including: Kamleon Hydration Testing System, SkillcourtCheque: Please make cheques payable to Perform Better Ltd.Human Movement Diagnostic Testing System, the upgraded Remaker TestingOrder by Email: Simply enter your information onto an email, complete system, the new A400 Keiser Air Range, Wattbike AirPro, Holway Skinfoldwith the product description, order code and full address details. We will Calipers, the Apex Jump Testing system, a new range of Stainless Steelcall you back to confirm delivery and payment information -Fractional Discs, Nordic bench, Wheelbarrow Sled, the Align Pilates Reformer,Email: sales@performbetter.co.uknew rack options and designs, an increased range of Selectorised and Disc Loading Strength machines, new 74 strength bands along with a number of new ancillary items. PRICINGWe have always printed prices in our catalogues due to the fact our We trust you will find these new products of interest - we will be looking tocustomers prefer to see prices included and we generally manage to expand the range over the coming months. Please refer to the website to keephold most of our prices for 12 months. You will see we have included up to date with our full product range. prices again this year but due to the current economic climate, we cannot guarantee to hold our prices for a full 12 months.DELIVERYMany items are in stock in our warehouse in Warwickshire and are available for immediate shipping. We pride ourselves on shipping your order on the day it is received whenever possible. Delivery times on capital items vary - we will advise you of lead times prior to placing your We had another busy 12 months in 2024 having again been selected toorder. We are also able to ship to most countries around the world - be involved in a large number of prestigious projects including: UK Sportscontact us for details.Institute Sheffield & Lilleshall, Saracens Rugby, Scottish Rugby Borders Academy, Biggar Rugby Club, Temporary Gyms for England & Scotland Football teams at Euros 2024, Hampden Sports Clinic/Scottish FA, TERMS OF TRADINGManchester Utd FC, Brentford FC Academy, Coventry City FC, Wrexham FCPrices are correct at time of print and are exclusive of VAT which will be Academy, Brighton College, Millfield School, Hill House School, The Grangeadded where applicable. Specifications of products are correct at time School, University of Birmingham, Easton Collegeand many more. We haveof print but are subject to manufacturers change. Delivery prices will continued to be selected to equip overseas projects including: Pinnaclebe added depending upon size of order and location. Large capital items Performance- Hong Kong, Player Gym- Saudi Arabia, Browns Performanceare subject to delivery charges at all times. All equipment is covered by Centre- Portugal, Locomotive and Plato Rugby- Georgia.Manufacturers guarantee which is available upon request. Full Terms of (See pages 3, 4, 5, 6, 37, 38 and 94 or visit the Case Study section on ourTrading are available upon request.website for more details on these projects). We appreciate your continued support and custom, we trust you will find ourSOCIAL MEDIAnew 2025 catalogue both stimulating and exciting. You can follow Perform Better on Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn where you will find news, research articles and The Perform Better Team. product information.W E B S I T E @PERFORMBETTERUKPERFORMBETTERUKPERFORMBETTERUK PERFORMBETTERUK PERFORMBETTERUKWe have completed a full upgrade of our website www.performbetter.co.uk which has been designed to navigate easily, allowing you to order many of our products online and also find additional information on our full product range. Klarna and PayPal financing options have been added to the website to give customers flexibility when purchasing from Perform Better. You can also catchTel: 01926 813916 Perform Better Ltd,up on Perform Better news, view our recent installations and case studies andEmail: sales@performbetter.co.uk Rhodes House, Northfield Roadget up to date news on workshops, conferences and webinars.www.performbetter.co.ukSoutham, CV47 0FG1performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'