b'S T A B I L I T Y E Q U I P M E N T / B A L A N C E1. Bosu Professional 7. Balance PadsA versatile training device improvesBody weight causes users to balance, core stability andsink into the soft mat, creating proprioception. Any exercise thatinstability. Stack two pads together can be carried out on the groundfor greater instability. Airex Pads can be carried out on the Bosu.are available in blue or black.Burst resistant up to 160kg.Standard Pad PB1120 45.00PB369 220.00 Elite Pad PB342 68.002. Bosu Elite 8. Balance HedgehogsThe Bosu Elite is geared towardsAir-filled pods that can be used athletes to enhance ground-baseddome or flat side up for a greater athletic movement. It incorporatesbalance challenge. Can be inflated a much firmer dome to spring loador deflated as required. Set of six the body for more efficient forcedifferent coloured pods.transfer.PB341 35.00PB369E 245.00 1 2 39. Balance Air Cushion3. Rebounder An extremely versatile compact Ideal for improving balance andand portable training tool. proprioception. 1m diameter, loadExcellent for a wide variety of capacity 140kg. balance, strengthening and rehabilitation exercises.PB344A 82.00PB340 10.954. Flex BoardFrom simple, linear, isolation10. Heavy Duty Gym Ballsexercises to whole body integratedThe extra thick burst-resistant functional training, the unlimitedwalls make these balls heavier and freedom of movement of the Flexmore resilient than standard gym Board allows supported bodyballs. Maximum user weight of weight exercises. 700kg. Available in three sizes.PB339A 95.00 55cm PB336 28.0065cm PB336A 45.005. Airex Balance Beam 75cm PB336B 49.00 4 5 6 7Use the Balance Beam to improve proprioception and dynamic11. Gym Ballsstability when walking, lunging orCommercial anti-burst Gym Ball. stepping along the beam. Tested as anti-burst with a 400kg load.Available in three sizes.PB342A 117.0055cm PB335A 18.006. Oval Balance Pads 65cm PB335B 19.00Oval Balance Pads offer 5.5cm of75cm PB335C 24.00cushioning to help improve hip,8knee, ankle, and foot stability. Sold as a pair.PB1120 49.00FOR STORAGE OPTIONS FOR BOSUS AND GYM BALLS SEE PAGE 659 10 11Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 82'