b'G Y M A W A R E V E L O C I T Y B A S E D T R A I N I N GH O R I Z O N T A L C O R R E C T I O N GymAwares unique angle sensor automatically tracks and corrects for horizontal movements, track bar paths and measure complex lifts, in additionto standard linear lifts.L E A D E R B O A R D Motivate your athletes to perform at their best by providing instant feedback in the weight room. Display the leader board on a big screen using AirPlay to create a competitive environment within your squad. Set a leaderboard to display sets recorded at specific bar weights.A U T O M A T I C R E C O R D I N G GymAwares auto-record functionality enables seamless training andfrees up coaches for other gym-based tasks. Data recording is activated assoon as the athlete moves the bar. Once the bar is re-racked the recordingwill stop. This feature, along with auto-skip to the next athlete, enables GymAware to be completely autonomous whilst concurrently saving all data to the GymAware Cloud.R E H A B I L I T A T I O NR E A L T I M E F E E D B A C K Monitor limb asymmetries and differences due to injury or imbalance.Compare pre and post results over time. Be assured the athlete is ready The unrivalled iPad app provides rep by rep feedback on key metrics.to return to competition. Players and athletes are challenged on each and every rep which means competition has never been greater. Coaches can edit reps/sets live by the J U M P T E S T I N Gtouch of a button, ensuring all data is kept clean and accurate.Inbuilt rest and work timers mean that coaches can keep track of the intensity Power output during a jump is a key indicator of athletic ability. Evaluate jumpof their sessions. Cluster timers enable coaches to prescribe set windows of height, squat depth, power and velocity. Easily monitor fatigue with long-termwork:rest ratios.tracking reports in the Cloud software.The GymAware system includes:1 R M P R E D I C T I O NGymAware RS SensorQuick start user guideUSB charger and cable Repair kitUse GymAware to predict a 1RM without the need to go to failure. The reportSoft carry caseaccurately calculates a 1RM for core exercises such as squat, dead-lift and bench press. Gymaware System with Lite Software Zip Case PB198 1,865.00Gymaware Cloud Teams SoftwareV I D E O A N A L Y S I S(Professional) Existing Customer PB198C2 625.00Gymaware Cloud Teams SoftwarePB198C4 725.00(Professional) New CustomerUse the iPads inbuilt camera to record and then replay the video. AnalyseGymaware Cloud Pro Software lifting technique whilst displayingmetrics such as velocity, power, distance(Annual License) Premium Existing Customer PB198C 1,258.00and bar path. The video can be instantly replayed in slow motion for teachingGymaware Cloud Pro Software purposes or shared via various social media platforms. (Annual License) Premium New Customer PB198C5 1,452.00Gymaware Enterprise PB198C6 2,328.00iPad MountGymaware iPad Mount PB198B 120.00Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 14'