b'C A T A P U L T A T H L E T E M O N I T O R I N G C A T A P U L T V E C T O RCatapult Vector is a premium wearable technology that empowers criticalSport-Specific Insightsdecisions around performance, risk, and return to play. Setting new standardsVector leverages the work done by Catapults data science team to help you for accuracy, usability and efficiency, Vector delivers precise data in even thefind answers to complex performance questions unique to your sport.most challenging performance environments.Live SnapshotsSmall and Powerful Vectors live snapshots feature allows you to view real-time session data live on Combining GNSS and LPS technology, Vector is the worlds smallest andyour smartphone or smartwatch.most powerful dual device, delivering live algorithms, communications, and enhanced functionality indoors and outdoors.FOR PRICING INFORMATION ON THE CATAPULT ONE AND Integrated Heart RateUsing conductive materials woven into the vest, Vector makes heart rateVECTOR PACKAGES EMAIL SALES@PERFORMBETTER.CO.UKmonitoring comfortable for athletes and efficient for practitioners.25performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'