b'D U M B B E L L S & K E T T L E B E L L S / S T R E N G T H T R A I N I N G1. Branded Dumbbells 7. PowerBlocksRubber, Urethane and Stainless steel dumbbells can be branded with club/ PowerBlocks give you the equivalent of a whole rack of dumbbells or institution logo/branding. Please call for prices and further details. kettlebells in the space of just one pair and for a fraction of the price. Their unique modular construction is the only system that can expand to match your 2. PB Rubber Dumbbells increasing strength. Black Rubber Dumbbells, chrome comfort grip handles, available up to 30kg. Prices available for other sets and individual pairs. Please call for prices ofElite EXP Stage 1 1-23kgs PB483M 485.00other sizes. Elite EXP Stage 2 23-32kgs PB483N 295.00Elite EXP Stage 3 32-41kgs PB483O 295.002.5kg PB121927.00 20kg PB1219G 210.00 Pro 50 4.5-23kg PB483J 995.005kg PB1219A 53.00 22.5kg PB1219H 235.00 Pro 100 2-45kg PB483E11,425.007.5kg PB1219B 79.00 25kg PB1219I 260.0010kg PB1219C 105.00 27.5kg PB1219J 285.0012.5kg PB1219D 135.00 30kg PB1219K 300.0015kg PB1219E 159.00 2.5-10kg set PB1219T 250.0017.5kg PB1219F 184.00 2.5-30kg set PB1209A 2,200.003. Urethane DumbbellsSolid steel dumbbells, ends encased in heavy-duty, odourless polyurethane. One piece, solid design means accurate weight and precision balance. Available1in sets or individual pairs. Please call for prices and further details.4. PB Rubber Hex DumbbellsDurable commercial grade rubber hex dumbbells have contoured knurled chrome handles, available up to 50kg. Due to the unique hex design, they dont roll around the gym floor and can be used for some floor-based exercises. Available in sets or individual pairs. Call for pricing of individual pairs.21.25kg - 12.5kg with A frame PB499R 299.002.5 - 40kg PB499S 1,750.0042.5 - 50kg PB499T 995.005. Rubber Covered KettlebellsRubber covered for added protectionwith a chrome handle for improved grip. Priced singularly.4kg PB55118.80 14kg PB551E 65.806kg PB551A 28.20 16kg PB551F 75.208kg PB551B 37.60 18kg PB551G 84.6010kg PB551C 47.00 20kg PB551H 94.00 3 412kg PB551D 56.40 24kg PB551I 113.006. Premium Competition KettlebellsColour-coded for easy identification. Uniform size and shape of the kettlebell across the range, the design gives a more stable base for floor-based exercises. Made to professional international kettlebell lifting standards.Priced singularly.8kg PB57335.00 24kg PB573H 79.0010kg PB573A 37.00 26kg PB573I 83.0012kg PB573B 42.00 28kg PB573J 88.0014kg PB573C 48.00 32kg PB573K 104.0016kg PB573D 55.00 36kg PB573L 113.0018kg PB573E 59.00 40kg PB573M 130.0020kg PB573F 64.00 44kg PB573N 175.0022kg PB253G 72.00 48kg PB253O 215.005 6 7Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 62'