b'W I T T Y S E M R E A C T I V E S Y S T E MW I T T Y S E M R E A C T I V E S Y S T E M The Witty SEM is a 7 x 5 LED matrix indicator integrated intothe Witty infrastructure, providing a selection of different visualcues. A maximum of 16 Witty SEMs can be used in one system.The choice of visual cues includes:Colours: red, green and blueColoured signs: i.e. arrows and othersColoured numbers or letters A Witty SEM and a Witty photocell can be combined to create an agility gate. Multiple agility gates can be combined to define preset or random The Witty SEM system can be used for a variety of tests including: programmes. The Witty SEM allows users to create their own tests in the Start semaphore with start impulse Witty Manager software with a preconfigured start sequence and a repetition T test and decision related tasks time. Some example tests include:Agility test with timing gatesAgility and reactivity tests Start Stop TestProviding a countdown and a green light every 20 seconds.In addition to the handset, you can now use the ProMove app. For more information on the ProMove app, please see page 18. T-Test and decision-related tasksThe system allows you to provide a delayed indication of the direction to follow after breaking the first beam. The athlete cuts the start beam, after a delay (selectable) the Witty SEM provides a random indication of the direction to follow (right-left/forwards-backwards).Agility Test with Timing GatesA Witty SEM and a Witty photocell can be combined to create an agility gate. Multiple agility gates can be combined to define preset or random courses. This allows you to provide light targets with Witty SEMs andaccurately measure the cut by using the Witty Photocells.The Witty SEM system includes:Agility-Reactivity Test (no gates)Witty timer, lights, tripods, battery charger, software and a padded backpack. A Witty SEM can be used in a standalone mode to create an agility gate using the internal proximity sensor. Multiple agility gates can be combined to define Witty SEM System- set of 4 with timer & clamps PB172D 3,560.00 preset or random courses. Different detection distances can be preset.Witty SEM System- set of 8 with timer & clamps PB172E 5,975.00Witty SEM frame PB173B 1.045.00 Agility WallWitty SEM System - set of 4with timer & tripods PB172B 3,544.00 The Witty SEM system can be used in conjunction with a frame to create a Witty SEM System - set of 8with timer & tripods PB172C 6,195.00 Reaction Wall, see main image.Additional SEM Sensor PB172 866.00VISIT THE WEBSITEFOR MORE INFORMATION ON REACTIVE TESTING & TRAINING SYSTEMS19performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'