b'O L Y M P I C D I S C S / S T R E N G T H T R A I N I N G1. Olympic Black Rubber Discs 5. Standard Grip DiscsHeavy duty large diameter blackContoured grip design enables rubber discs ideal for performanceeasy and safe lifting. Ideal for facilities. 100% solid virgin rubberdisc loading machines. Durable with steel inserts. Discs are pricedblack rubber finish will not chip or singularly. damage machines. Discs are priced singularly.5kgPB437J 27.0010kg PB437K 37.00 1.25kg PB4495.2515kg PB437L 47.00 2.5kg PB449A 10.5020kg PB437M 60.00 5kg PB449B 21.0025kg PB437N 75.00 10kg PB449C 42.001 150kg15kg PB449D 63.00Olympic set20kg PB449E 84.00(25kg x2, PB437ER 467.00 25kg PB449F 105.0020kg x2, 15kg x2, 10kg x2, 5kg x2)6. Stainless Steel Fractional Discs2. Olympic Colour CodedAn option to coloured Fractional Rubber Discs Discs the new PB Stainless Heavy duty large diameter colourFractionals are a classy looking coded rubber discs ideal foralternative that wont chip.performance facilities. 100% solidSold as a set. Set includes a pair of virgin rubber with steel inserts.2.5kg, 2.0kg, 1.5kg, 1.0kg, 0.5kg Discs are priced singularly. and 0.25kg.5kgPB438K 27.00 PB1136A1115.0010kg PB438L 62.0015kg PB438M 75.00 7. Coloured Fractional Discs2 20kg PB438N 86.00 Coloured fractional disc set 25kg PB438O 99.00 allows you to add weight in small 150kgincrements to any standard Olympic set Olympic bar from 0.25kg to 5kg. (25kg x2,PB438E 680.00NEW 20kg x2, 15kg x2,The durable steel discs have been 10kg x2, 5kg x2)finished with easily distinguishable high gloss colours.3. Standard Technique Discs One set includes:(0.25kg x6, Olympic standard size excellent for0.50kg x2, 1.0kg x2, 1.50kg x2, perfecting your lifting technique.2.0kg x2, 2.5kg x2, 5.0kg x2) Very strong and durable. Discs are priced per pair. PB1136 180.003 6 2.5kg PB42948.005kg PB429A 90.004. Performance Technique DiscsFull-size technique training discs made of moulded nylon, 10cm wide making them very stable for technique and starter training. Discs are priced singularly.1.5kg PB424 117.00 VISIT THE WEBSITEFOR 2.5kg PB424A95.005kg PB424B115.00 MORE INFORMATION ON 4 5 7 OUR RANGE OF DISCSPrices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 66'