b'R E C O V E R Y / M A S S A G E C O U C H E S , B A L L S A N D R E F O R M E R S1.Reformer5. Hockey BallsThe Align-Pilates 86 ReformerAn ideal, cheap and portable has been faithfully reproduced tomethod for self myofascial release. NEWthe highest standards to ensure reliability and longevity. PB422 3.30Commercially warranted 86 Classic Pilates Reformer with6. Hypersphere6063 aluminium frame and blackThe Hypersphere is portable and upholstery only 5 in diameter which helps to Four identical music wirerelease tension in targeted areas springs, with neutral return better than any roller. Can be Classic Pilates upholsteredused to activate, soothe, or loosen Sitting Box muscles/fascia in the feet, calves, Classic stainless-steel pole hamstrings, gluteus, hip flexors, Pair of 5mm rubber anti-slip mats shoulders, back and forearms. 1 2Pair of wood handles, webbingWith three high intensity vibration extension straps, and leathersettings, the Hyperspheres high carriage straps intensity vibration allows you to release tension and targeted PB238B 2,645.00 areas deeper than a foam roller. The Hypershpere Mini is only 3.5 2. Basic Portable diameter and weighs only 0.5kg.Treatment CouchLightweight aluminium couchHyperspherePB239F116.00weighing only 10kg. 6cm thickHypersphere Mini PB239T 74.00upholstery with sprung mattress for maximum patient comfort.7. Lacrosse BallsHeight adjustable from 61-81cmSlightly softer than a Hockey Ball - easy to fold and set up. ideal for a slightly less intense self3 4 5massage.PB1057A 352.003. Section Electric PB422F 3.95 9. Silicon Massage BallsTreatment Couch Made from silicon making them 8. Trigger Point Massage Balls more forgiving than the hard A reliable and sturdy electric couchUse to apply extremely firm and with adjustable backrest. Safehockey type ball and less likely to working load and lifting capacitytargeted pressure directly to theslip on hard surfaces. Available as a (from minimum height) of 200kgs.muscle for deep compressionsingle ball or a dual (joined) ball.Power assisted backrest angleand release. Ideal for targeting adjustment from 25 to +75.small muscles such as calves,Single PB422C5.00Height range from 46-99cm. piriformis and pecs. The MBX isDual PB422B 10.00recommended for dense muscles PB1057B 930.00 or anyone who prefers intense10. Grid Ballscompression. The MB5, with aGrid Ball combines the benefits 4. Spikey Massage Balls 5 diameter, is ideal for relievingof a massage ball and foam roller6 7 8Ideal for coordination, ankle andtightness and restoring movementinto compact and targeted muscle foot mobilisation, reflexology,in hard to reach muscle groups likepain relief. With a lightweight and myofascial release, trigger pointthe hips and shoulders. The MB1portable size, the design aids in work and Pilates. Individual sizeshas a 2.6 diameter and is designedtargeting tight hips, shoulders and are specifically designed to targetfor small muscle groups such asback muscles. Created with high different areas of the body. calves. density EVA foam, this massage ball Available in three sizes 7cm, 9cmprovides moderate compression or 10cm. MBX PB388F17.00 for a premium self-massage.MB5 PB388G 25.007cm PB422D 3.00 MB1 PB388H 13.00 PB360C 21.009cm PB422E 4.0010cm PB238B 11.509 1089performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'