b'S K I L L C O U R TNEW R E H A B & P E R F O R M A N C ESKILLCOURT is an innovative diagnostics and training system that uses advanced Lidar technology to enhance visual, cognitive, and motor skillsleading to faster reactions, better decision-making, and optimised rehabilitation. It automates performance diagnostics, allows more sports-specific rehabilitation, reduces the risk of re-injury and, as a positive side effect, improves speed.T E S T & Benefits PB1322 POAEnhanced injury prevention & reduced risk of re-injuryTargeted rehabilitation & faster recoveryLower re-injury rates & sustained resilienceMaximised performance & athletic efficiencyT R A I NV I S U A L , C O G N I T I V E &M O T O R S K I L L S I N P R O S P O R T SMORE P RE CI S ION, MORE P ERF ORM A NCE STATE-OF-THE-ARTS K IL L C OUR T TA K E S HUM A N S T O T HE 2D LIDAR LASERNE X T L E V ELTECHNOLOGY COMBINED WITH AN ADVANCED 3D DEPTH CAMERA. VISIT THE WEBSITEFOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT SKILLCOURT PRODUCTSPrices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 26'