b'S T R E N G T H T R A I N I N G / B O X I N G E Q U I P M E N T1. Punchbag 5. PVC Boxing GlovesTop-quality professional heavy- Traditional style comfort fit glove. duty 4ft and 5ft leather punchbags,Latex shock absorbent padding. semi-aniline dye washed for thatPalm vent for cooling plus anti-classic colour finish.bacterial lining. The cuff is comfort Double-stitched seams and weldedpadded & lined with a velcro wrist nickel-plated D-rings for a durablestrap to ensure full support.finish. Chains included.Punchbag Wall Bracket 12oz PB642 30.003ft Punchbag Wall Bracket. 14oz PB642B 30.00Constructed from a strong 50mm x16oz PB642B1 30.00 350mm box section.Powder-coated for indoor or6. PB Free Standing Punchbagoutdoor use. Includes wall fixings. Our Freestanding Punchbag comprises of two parts that can be 4ft Leather Punchbag PB641 75.00 separated for easy transportation 5ft Leather Punchbag PB641J 75.00 and storage.Wall Bracket PB63898.75 This freestanding punch/technique bag features a specially formulated 2. Leather Boxing Gloves donut shaped foam base that is Leather sparring gloves, comfortstronger, more resilient and much fit with latex hand cut shockmore shock absorbent, than hard absorbent foam padding. Anti-slipplastic alternatives, providing extra lining with adjustable cuff wristuser safety.support. Size: 730mm x 1830mm Weight: 88kg 2 412oz PB642C1 45.00 Tube Size: 350mm x 1830mm14oz PB642D1 45.00 Weight: 44kg16oz PB642E1 45.00 Base Size: 730mm x 500mmWeight: 44kg3. Punch Bag MittsQuality, black, all-leather bag mitts.PB641I 399.00Available in four sizes: S, M, L, XL.7. SparbarPB624 24 .00 Engineered for the serious professional or the everyday 4. Hook & Jab Pads athlete training at home. Precision Traditional heavy-duty pads -engineered Sparbar rotating 30mm thick. One size fits all. bar, high-impact motion bearings1for faster, more fluid rotation. PB627 28.00 Telescopic height adjustment and custom-padded head target attachment. Water/sand-filled base.PB641H 595.005 6 771performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'