b'B R A N D I N G A N D C U S T O M I S A T I O NB R A N D I N G A N D C U S T O M I S A T I O N Our customers are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of branding and customisation in their facilities. Perform Better have put together a wide range of branding and customisation options from colour schemes to adding logos on both strength and ancillary equipment. We are also able to manufacture bespoke designs such as integrating Force Platforms into lifting platforms, strength station design modification and much more.L I F T I N G P L A T F O R M SYour full-colour club logo can be applied to the oak or synthetic section of our lifting platforms. The logo is fixed to the oak surface with a transparent adhesive anti-slip film applied over the top to prevent wear. On the synthetic platform, the logo is printed onto the plastic, making it permanent.F L O O R I N GLogos can be added to certain types of our rolled flooring solutions and they also can be sewn into our custom turf options. Please call for more information and pricing.O L Y M P I C D I S C SWe can add your logo or name onto our rubber Olympic Discs.D U M B B E L L SWe can add branding onto both our rubber and urethane dumbbells.M E D I C I N E B A L L W A L L SThere is a wide choice of medicine ball wall designs from wall mounted to floor mounted and they are available in a variety of sizes, shapes and colours. It is also possible to have your facility logo added at whatever size is required.U P H O L S T E R YAll upholstery pads have the option of a printed logo on them.F O A M P L Y O M E T R I C B O X E SWe can include your logo in either a single colour or full colour onto ourfoam boxes.C O N T R A S T B A T H SClub branding can be added to the side panels of the Avantopool Kinos Contrast baths (see Page 36 to view the Avantopool range). VISIT THE WEBSITEFOR For pricing please call 01926 813916 or email sales@performbetter.co.uk MORE INFORMATION ON BRANDING EQUIPMENT43performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'