b'1 0 8 0 S P R I N T A N A L Y S I SThe new 1080 Sprint 2 is the ground-breaking device used for horizontal resisted or assisted training and testing up to an extended 180m for sprinting, skiing, swimming, skating as well as change of direction movements. It allows for speeds up to 14m/s (31mph), resisted running up to 40kg and isokinetic resistance loads up to 70kg. Self-contained and portable with a built-in touch screen, it is internet connected for data storage and analysis. The 1080 2 is battery powered making it more portable than the original 1080.With accessories, it functions as a cable machine for repetition-type exercises such as squats, lifts, rotations, pushes, and pulls for light strength training, rehab, and testing.The 1080 Sprint System is a portable resistance training and testing device for sprinting and change of direction movements.The 1080 Sprint System is a portable resistance training and testing device for sprinting and change of direction movements.It uses intelligent variable resistance technology to provide a very smooth and controllable resistance and accurately measures power, force, speed and acceleration.The 1080 Sprint is able to provide a variable resistance over the course of a sprint- when the sprinter pushes off, the resistance can be set to a high level. As the sprinter gains speed the resistance can be programmed to decrease to fit the maximum speed phase.Evaluate Symmetry Of MovementThe 1080 Sprint enables testing of the athlete for asymmetry throughout the full sport-specific movement. This enables coaches to detect even the slightest1080 Sprint 1080 Sprint 2differences in left and right leg force and power.Resistance range 1-30kg 1-70kgContrast Training Maximum speed 14 m/s(31mph) 14 m/s(31mph)This technique simply involves having an athlete perform basic movementsLength of cable 90m 180mwhile quickly switching back and forth between resisted and normal sprints or at overspeed. Weight 30kg 25kgSampling frequency 330hz for force, speed & power 50-1000 Hz User choiceOverspeed Training Screen Separate tablet withIn-built touch screen tablettouch screenThe 1080 Sprint allows for neuromuscular adaptation to high speeds in a fullyPower Mains powered Battery poweredcontrolled environment. Using the precise settings of towing speed and force, Dimensions 100cm (L) x 33cm (W) x 22cm (H)30cm (L) x 27cm (W) x 27cm (H)coaches can apply the most beneficial overspeed formula to each individual athlete, consistently and repeatedly.1080 Sprint PB1060 POA1080 Sprint Software 1080 Sprint 2 PB1060E POAThe 1080 Sprint reporting options include the possibility to dissect a sprint1080 SprintCarry Case PB1060B POAprofile into meaningful pieces of information. It includes live feedback on a tablet or laptop with a wide variety of reports available.Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 12'