b'S T R E N G T H T R A I N I N G / E L I T E P O W E R R A C K SThe Elite Rack range has been designed to be even sturdier than the Performance range, with the uprights 140mm x 80mm x 5mm. They are ideal for heavy use Elite Performance facilities where very high loads are being used.1. Elite Power Rack14 point internal and external side disc storageChoice of four multi grip chinning bar optionsJ Hooks, Safety Spot Arms and Band Pegs all included as standardDimensions- 217cm (D) x 166cm (W) x250cm (H)PBE920 4,075.002. Elite Power Rack with SmithThe combination of a Smith Machine and Power Rack allows you to perform multiple exercises safely in a small area without losing any core features and affecting performance.This machine ensures smooth operation and easy adjustments using high quality linear bearings for its precision bar.14 point internal and external side disc storageChoice of four multi grip chinning bar optionsJ Hooks, Safety Spot Arms and Band Pegs all included as standardDimensions- 217cm (D) x 166cm (W) x250cm (H)PBE920D 5,929.001 23. Elite Power Rack with PulleysThe Elite Power Rack with Pulleys includes two Multi Pulleys with 100kg weight stacks built into the Power Rack frame. Ideal for facilities that are limited for space. NEW14 point internal and external side disc storageChoice of four multi grip chinning bar optionsJ Hooks, Safety Spot Arms and Band Pegs all included as standardDimensions- 217cm (D) x 166cm (W) x250cm (H)PBE920E 6,295.004. Elite Power Racks with External StorageIt is possible to include storage between Elite Racks. A central 180cm storage bay is capable to holding up of 4 storage shelves of your choice and can be mounted between two Half or Power Racks.14 point internal and external side disc storageChoice of four multi grip chinning bar optionsJ Hooks, Safety Spot Arms and Band Pegs all included as standardDimensions- 217cm (D) x 166cm (W) x250cm (H)VISIT THE WEBSITEFOR ALL THE STORAGE OPTIONS3 447performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'