b'O L Y M P I C B A R S & C O L L A R S / S T R E N G T H T R A I N I N G1. Powerlifting Bar 6. Smart SticksA stiff bar with more aggresiveMakes your favourite exercises knurling. 29mm diameter. more productive. Aligns the body for balanced, optimal range of PB456F 185.00 motion. 1.5m in length.2. Olympic Bars Unweighted PB276 20.002 Weighted 2kg PB276A 24.005ft Brushed SteelPB460B 135.001 Bar - 30mm7. Hex Bars6ft Ladies ChromePB459E165.00Premium - 25mm 5ft Hex Bar PB461G 160.00EZ Curl Bar - PB462B 145.00 6ft Hex Bar PB461F 145.0028mm7ft Hex Bar PB461E 235.007ft Chrome Premium Bar -PB457C 195.0028mm 8. Dowells7ft Bench Bar -PB456D 99.00 Ideal for lifting technique work with 32mm young athletes and also flexibility/4 stretching exercises for all athletes.3. Open Hex Bars 1.8m in length.By opening up the front end of the bar, it is possible to use your21mmPB421D 12.00trap bar for split squats, Romanian35mmPB421A 40.00deadlifts, weighted carries, lunges and more, while still being perfectly9. Quick Lock Clamp Collarsbalanced for your deadlifts andIdeal for securing Olympic discsshrugs. onto a 50mm bar - click and lockto secure discs.Standard OpenPB461D 235.00Hex Bar PB464A 20.00PerformancePB461I 292.005 Open Hex Bar10. Olympic Spring Collars4. Technique Bars Ideal for use with lighter loads or on training bars.6ft 7kg AluminiumPB459K 130.00Technique Bar PB465 7.253 65. Olympic Safety Squat Bar 11. Olympic Muscle Clamp CollarsPerfectly distributes the weightManufactured from tough ABS across your shoulders for maximumplastic for incredible durability, ease and stability. Includes a set ofsingle motion lock/unlock. pads for comfort and support.Available in red, blue or black.PB458F 125.00 PB463 39.008 9VISIT THE WEBSITEFOR MORE INFORMATION ON OUR RANGE OF BARS AND COLLARS7 10 11Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 64'