b'L I F T I N G P L A T F O R M S & M E D I C I N E B A L L T H R O W I N G W A L L S / S T R E N G T H T R A I N I N G1. Rack Mounted Platforms 6. Free StandingThe 60mm platforms are designed to help the user keep their footing firm andIdeal for facilities that arent able to fix into the floor or the walls.stable to allow you to lift confidently while being able to protect any flooring. Engineered solid oak centre, rubber tiles are fully CST tested. PBE255W3 4,450 .00There is an option to have a synthetic centre section in a variety of colours. For branding options on our platforms, please see page 43. 7. Standard Medicine Ball Throwing wallsThere are two sizes available of the standard model - 1m (W) x 2m (H) and Half Rack Integrated Platform 1m x 2.4m x 60mm PBE719B 1,650.00 1.35m (W) x 2m (H). They can be hung on the wall using three loops at the top Half Rack Integrated Platform 1.5m x 2.4m x 60mm PBE719V 1,750.00 of the wall which allows you to remove the wall if required. The other fixing Power Rack Integrated Platform 1m x 2.4m x 60mm PBE1160 1,700.00 option is a permanent fix using heavy duty Velcro and screws. Power Rack Integrated Platform 1.5m x 2.4m x 60mm PBE719U 1,800.00 It is an option to add targets and branding onto the walls and they are available Elite Rack Mounted Platform 1m x 2.4m x 60mm PBE719O 1,700.00 in a variety of colours.Elite Rack Mounted Platform 1.5m x 2.4m x 60mm PBE719W 1,800.00Standard Medicine Ball Wall 1.0m x 2.0m x 10cmPB255W9 455.00Standard Medicine Ball Wall 1.35m x 2.0m x 10cm PB255W11535.002. Free Standing PlatformsThe 60mm platforms are available in a choice of two sizes- 2.44m x 3m and 2.44m x 2m and with or without oak inserts. C U S T O M I S A T I O NThe Synthetic Insert Platforms and Medicine Ball Walls are available in a Freestanding Deadlift Platform 2.44m x 2.0m x 60mm PBE719J 1,395.00 variety of colours with the option to add Club branding etc. See Page 43 Freestanding Deadlift Platform 2.44m x 3.0m x 40mm PBE719K 1,695.00 for more branding options.Performance Freestanding Platform 2.44m x 2.0m x 60mm PBE719 1,600.00 1Performance Freestanding Platform 3.0m x 2.44m x 60mm PBE719A 1,900.00Elite Freestanding Platform 2.44m x 2.0m x 100mm PBE719Q 2,295.003. Inset Lifting PlatformsAn increasing number of Strength and Conditioning facilities are insetting their oak or synthetic lifting platforms into our range of flooring options (see pages 57 & 58). This creates a safe lifting environment with no trip hazards and also allows you to use the lifting area for other functional work if required.Synthetic Insert Platform 2m x 1m x 30mm PBE719L 1,295.00Synthetic Insert Platform 2.4m x 1m x 30mm PBE719L1 1,350.00Oak Insert Platform 2m x 1m x 30mm PBE719FXL1 565.00 2 3Oak Insert Platform 1.5m x 1m x 30mm PBE719FXL5 545.00Oak Insert Platform 1.5m x 1m x 40mm PBE719FXL4 575.00Oak Insert Platform 2m x 1m x 40mm PBE719FXL2 595.00Oak Insert Platform 2.4m x 1m x 40mm PBE719FXL3 625.00Medicine Ball WallsThere is a variety of sizes and designs available, which can be fixed directly to the wall or built into a floor fixed frame. Performance Medicine Ball Throwing Walls. It is possible to add targets and branding onto the walls, and they are available in a wide variety of colours. Dimensions- 2.65 (H) x 1.22m (W). Also available in a double bay- call for pricing.4. Floor/Wall FixedIdeal for facilities that are able to fix into the floor and the walls.PBE255W7 3,995.005. Floor FixedIdeal for facilities that arent able to fix into the walls.PBE255W4 4,900.004 5 6 7Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 56'