b'P L Y O M E T R I C B O X E S A N D P O L I S H B O X E S / P L Y O M E T R I C T R A I N I N G1. Foam Plyometric Boxes 3. Wooden Plyometric CubeFoam Plyometric Boxes offer theThe Plyometric Cube has been ultimate combination of durability,specifically designed to give three stability, and safety. The boxes arevariable jumping heights in one made from 100% foam, covered insimple box. Simply turn the box vinyl and are connected togetherover to get the height you require. with velcro flaps to enable stacking.The cube is lightweight, making Include handles for easy moving.it very easy to move and store. Available in a choice of standardSupplied flat packed forcolours of blue and black. Otherself-assembly.colours are available on request.Dimensions: 50cm x 60cm x 75cm.Landing area: 90cm x 75cm.The set includes five boxes: PB237C 173.00 27.5cm, 15cm, 30cm, 45cm, 60cm. Customise with your own colour4. Foam Plyometric Cubeand branding/logo. Call for pricing. The Plyo Cube is made from the same foam and covering as the Set of 5 PB214A0790.00 Foam Plyo Boxes. The cube can be Plyometric Boxes turned onto any of the three sides 7.5cm PB214A3 84.00 to give three jumping heights - 15cm PB214A4 110.00 50cm, 60cm and 75cm. 30cm PB214A5 152.00 Colour options - black or blue. 45cm PB214A6 210.00 Branding options available - call for 60cm PB214A7 252.00 details.Dimensions: 50cm x 60cm x 75cm.2. Metal Plyometric BoxesHeavy-duty steel construction.PB237A4 395.00Top landing surface covered with non-skid durable rubber to cushion5. Polish Boxeslandings. Stackable design for easyPolish boxes are versatile curved1 3storage.or slanted platforms which athletes Landing area: large box - 41cm xcan use for jumping and other 41cm. Only available in sets of four.training exercises. A wide variety The set includes 30cm, 40cm, 60cmof exercises can be carried out on and 76cm boxes. the boxes including - split bounce jumps, lateral hops, steeple step PB242 323.00 jumps, ricochet slaloms and many more. The set of boxes is designed so that the four boxes fit together, making them very easy to store.PB241G 1,750.00C U S T O M I S A T I O NThe Foam Plyometric Boxes and Cubes are available in a variety of colours with the option to add Club branding etc. See Page 43 for more branding options.4 5Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 76'