b'F I R E F L Y / R E C O V E R YFirefly is a revolutionary recovery device used by professional athletes,Starter PackOlympians, and weekend warriors. It helps your body to recover fasterThe Starter Pack has everything by increasing blood flow throughout your entire body. Firefly is small andyou need to get started with Firefly, portable, so you can take it with you wherever you go. Firefly sends smallat the best value. The package electrical pulses to stimulate your peroneal nerve (in your leg), creating a slightincludes 4 Firefly devices and 2 foot flutter which increases blood flow by 400%. Increased blood flow meansknee straps.your muscles get more oxygen and nutrients. This helps your body to recover from exercise faster and reduces soreness. Knee StrapsContains one pair of FireflyKnee Recommended usage will optimise recovery so you can train harder andStraps which are highly perform better. Firefly Recovery is used for warm up (30-60 minutes), postrecommended for optimal use of workout recovery(1-4 hours), and travel (duration of travel). FireflyRecoverydevices. The knee straps help to secure the device The Firefly is a modified NMES that stimulates a nerve vs. a muscle, it is notin place, so that you can recover a muscle stim or TENS unit. Stimulating the peroneal nerve causes musclesquicker, reduce muscle soreness to contract and to increase blood flow. Stimulating a muscle (with traditionaland train harder.NMES) for extended periods of time can cause muscle fatigue. The Firefly safely avoids muscle fatigue that can be caused by TENS. 1 PairPB1300 33.653 Pairs PB1300B 93.7530 hour battery life- the battery is not rechargeable, it can be removed and6 Pairs PB1300C 175.00recycled like any household battery. 25 PairsPB1300D 677.00Starter Pack (2 pairs and 1 PairPB1300A 75.00Knee Straps)Knee Straps PB1310 16.65VISIT THE WEBSITEFOR MORE INFORMATION ON FIREFLY DEVICESPrices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 86'