b'S T R E N G T H T R A I N I N G / T E S T I N G R A C K SIsometric Pull Bar iPad for immediate feedbackduring testing. For further information on the magnetic iPad holder please visit pages 13-14Isometric Pull Rack with hooksGymAware RS power testing:For further information pleaseForceDecks force platforms:visit pages 13-14 For further information please visit page 2411. Elite Testing Rack 2. Isometric Pull RacksPerform Better have integrated their existing technology into the Elite RackAllow isometric tests and athletic performance measurement through peak and Platform system. The Elite Testing Rack system can include: Pasco/ force or rate of force development, a safe method of testing maximal strength.ForceDecks dual force platforms (and other brands) embedded into ourFree standing unitsspecially designed 70mm thick Lifting Platforms to give feedback on a range ofTransport wheels allow them to be moved by one personnovel markers of athletic performance, fatigue and rehab.Modular design allows for single and dual force plate integration and canThe force platforms can be taken out of the platform to be used externally andaccommodate a variety of force plates including FDLites/FDMax and Pascosthey can be replaced with a blanking plate to allow the platform to still be used.Two versions are available- one with holes to insert the pull bar and another The Elite Rack allows for a mid-thigh isometric pull test to be performed usingwith hooks to hook the pull bar under or use your own Olympic bar to testthe included adjustable bar. Iso Pull with holes: 3cm increments with a range from 10cm to 195cm.The GymAware will allow you to look at peak power, average power, velocityIso Pull with hooks: 3cm increments with a height range from 10cm to 195cm.and a wide range of other variables. The GymAware system links via BluetoothPrices do not include force plates. For more information on our range of force to an iPad. The Testing Rack includes bespoke mounts for both iPads andplatforms - see pages 24 and 31.iPhones. It is also possible to mount larger screens onto rotating screen mountsIsometric Pull Rackon the back of the Rack for a larger display which can show real-time results orIsometric Pull Rack PBE926A 2,075.00 2the GymAware leader boards for added motivation for users. Isometric Pull Rack with Hook PBE926 2,075.00In addition, 3D cameras can be mounted at different points on the frame and also on optional articulating outrigger arms to allow for accurate camera3. Floor Mounted Isometric Pull Rackspositioning and the instant replay of the lifting technique. To allow for force plates to be mounted into the floor we have designed a floor casing that allows the posts to be bolted in when they are being used. Please call for more information on the options available.CONTACT US TO DISCUSS TESTING RACK OPTIONS FOR YOUR FACILITY349performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'