b'S E L E C T O R I S E D R A N G E / S T R E N G T H T R A I N I N G1. Leg ExtensionIncludes adjustable foot and back pads, and can be positioned in 5 starting positions for users with a limited range of movement.PBE592 2,495.002. Prone Leg CurlAn ideal machine for targeting and building the hamstrings. It offers 5 starting positions and features an angled split pad with an adjustable leg pad to set up the user correctly. PBE591A 2,500.003. Leg Extension/Leg CurlA dual use machine capable of isolating the quadriceps and hamstrings. It offers multiple starting positions for both exercises and features a split seat pad along with an adjustable leg pad.PBE599 2,650.00 1 2 34. Seated Leg CurlEffectively isolates and builds the hamstrings. It offers 5 starting positions with all adjustments reachable from the exercise position and features an angled seat with an adjustable back and leg pads to set up the user correctly.PBE591 2,500.005. Recumbent Leg PressDelivers an effective workout to the hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, and glutes whilst reducing stress on the knees. It offers multiple start positions to accommodate various users and features stainless steel anti-slip footplates for secure foot placement. PBE734R 3,250.006. Seated Leg Extension/Leg Curl The Leg Extension/Leg Curl is a dual use machine capable of isolating the quadriceps and hamstrings from the seated position. It offers multiple starting4 5positions for both exercises and features a lockable knee pad along with an adjustable leg pad to ensure the quadriceps/hamstrings are isolated.PBE599A 2,650.00 NEW7. Rotary HipThe Rotary Hip is a multi-functional machine that supports various exercises to develop the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, adductors, and abductors.PBE770C 2,495.008. Seated Leg PressDelivers a more intense workout to the hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, and glutes. It offers multiple start positions to accommodate various users and features a large platform with stainless steel anti-slip footplates for secure foot placement.PBE593 3,250.006 7 8Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 52'