b'D Y N A M O M E T E R S / T E S T I N G1. RemakerRemaker is the ultimate portable strength tracking system made up of the Link for tracking tension and the Move for measuring free and bodyweight exercise. The pocket sized units easily attach to your equipment/body and gives feedback in real time to your smart device via Bluetooth. It includes measures of performance on isometric, isotonic, force, power and velocity testingPortable and lightweight (185g)Accurate through combined sensor outputVersatile and compatible with bands, sleds, cables and strapsSeamless connection via BluetoothRemaker Move PB1311 157.00Remaker Link XXXX POARemaker Operator Licence software PB1311A 330.00Remaker Athlete App software PB1311B 120.002. Dynamo2 3 Dynamo is a next-generation handheld dynamometer and inclinometer which allows over 200 strength and range of motion tests. The Dynamo samples at 200hz with a maximum capacity of 2000N and includes a 10 hour battery life.The unit links to the iOS and Android app with unlimited user profiles and can be NEW uploaded into the Vald Hub. The package includes various attachments: a curved pad, a flat pad and two tension links. Dynamo Lite PB1280A POADynamo PlusPB1280 POA3. MicroFET2The wireless MicroFET2 Digital Handheld Dynamometer is an accurate, portable Force Evaluation and Testing device. It is designed specifically for taking objective, reliable and quantifiable muscle testing measurements. The MicroFET2 aids in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of neuromuscular disorders. PB203 1,145.004. Activforce 2Remaker Move 4 Activforce is a digital dynamometer that enables you to measure strength objectively and evaluate right/left symmetry. The free app provides testing protocols for all major muscle groups. It can be used to test any muscle group and up to 90kgs of force. Its small size and durable design allow for maximum flexibility.PB1275 360.005. GripperThe Gripper allows you to assess grip strength quickly and easily. Utilising theaccompanying Measurz app, you can easily track the progression of your clients and compare them to normative data to better educate them and enhance your decision making.PB1290G 175.006. Muscle Meter The Muscle Meter allows you to assess almost every muscle quickly and easily. Utilising the accompanying Measurz app, you can easily track the progression of your clients and compare them to normative data.Remaker Link1 5 6 PB1290M 275.00Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 30'