b'S T R E N G T H T R A I N I N G / S T O R A G E1. Freestanding Storage 5. Bosu Storage RackThe Freestanding Storage systemDesigned to hold up to five Bosus is fully flexible and completelyor Powerbags. Can also be used to modular, allowing you to choose thestore other functional equipment. storage options that suit your spaceEach shelf can hold a maximum and equipment mix. The racksof 50kg. come in a choice of two styles, either free-standing or wall fixable.PB338D 375.00If you want to add suspension or pull up bars, youll also need to add6. Wall Mounted Gym Ball Rackin some leg top frames. All shelvesSpace-saving wall mounted rack are the same length meaning theythat will hold up to four gym balls or are completely interchangeable. Bosus. Includes mounting kit. 2The range of options availablePBE337 309.00with the Freestanding Storage configurations includes: wide7. Foam Roller Holderflat shelf, narrow flat shelf, discA simple low-profile space-saving storage, storage bin, rail shelf, openstorage solution, drop rollers into shelf and angled shelf. Call forthe top and remove them from the configuration options and pricing. bottom. Stores up to six rollers, the two sides can be positioned at PBE1054 POA any width to take any length of the roller. Available in different colours.2. Rack Mounted Storage 1 3The rack mounted storage systemPB355B 159.00incorporates the same features and options as the freestanding storage8. Mat Storage Bagbut with smaller gauge materials. The bag holds 22 x 12mm small mats (fewer of the larger mats). PBE1226 POA Includes shoulder strap.3. Wall Mounted Band PB369D 36.00Storage BracketDesigned to keep your strength,9. Wall Mounted Mat resistance and mini bands tidy. Storage RackHanging frame on a sturdy wall PB924N 30.00 bracket for mats with eyelets.4. Weighted Bag Rack PB369C 25.00 4 5 6Designed to hold up to five weighted bags.PB229A 215.00VISIT THE WEBSITEFOR MORE INFORMATION ON OUR STORAGE OPTIONS7 8 967performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'