b'B E N C H E S / S T R E N G T H T R A I N I N G1. Adjustable Flat to Incline Bench 8. Elite Glute Ham BenchAdjusts into 7 positions, from flatThe Elite model includes all the to 75 and declines from 0 to -10.features of the Standard Glute Ham Fitted with a lifting handle and rearBench but with larger thigh padsVISIT THE WEBSITEFOR MORE INFORMATION wheels for easy movement. which are fully adjustable and alsoON BENCHESinclude band fixing points to allow PBE723 715.00 band work.2. 45 Degree Hyper Extension PBE728B 2,395.00Designed to work the lower back, glutes and hamstrings9. Olympic Multipress Benchwhile keeping your spine neutral.Offers a safe and comfortable Includes adjustable leg rollers andOlympic weight lifting experience.2 3thigh pads. The back rest of the bench offers PBE741 695.00 7 positions of adjustment from -10 to 75 degrees. The seat offers 3 3. Flat Bench positions of adjustment from flat to Light enough to be moved easily,30 degree incline. and strong enough for heavy barbell/dumbbell work. Extra widePBE721 1,495.00base for added stability.10. Single Leg Squat StandPBE724 425.00 Allows users to comfortably 4. Standard Adjustable Flat toperform single-leg exercises Incline Bench such as: single-leg bench squats,8 4 5Lower specification than theBulgarian split squats, etc. Includes standard adjustable bench. Adjustsnine height settings and a wide base from flat to 85. for added stability. Available in two Available with black frame andversions: Nordic and Compact.black upholstery only. NEWCompact PBE754F 595.00 1PB723E 395.00 Nordic PBE754 695.005. Olympic Bench Press Bench 11. Hip ThrusterIncludes two bar hook heights forFeatures 7 resistance band pegs different arm lengths, low benchon each side and a comfortable 9 height, and recessed area allowsposition adjustable padded back placement for a spotter. rest. By adjusting the pad and PBE720 895.00 utilising the band pegs the bench can be used for a number of hip 6. Prone Row Bench thrust variations, Bulgarian split Includes two bar hook heights andsquats, box squats and more.adjustable position foot rests. 6 7 8PBE725B 1,195.00 PBE770 995.007. Glute Ham Bench 12. Sissy SquatOffers multi-functional capabilityEffectively isolates the quads by for hamstring and lower backkeeping the legs securely in place exercises. while performing squats. Includes Features an ergonomic split pad,an adjustable leg pad to suit various adjustable length options, step upusers.platform for easy entry/exit andPBE731D 550.00dual rollers for ankle support.PBE728 995.00 9 10 11 12Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 50'