b'S L E D S , P R O W L E R S & H A R N E S S E S / S P E E D & A G I L I T Y T R A I N I N G 1. Prowler Sleds Attachment allows for the use It features tall removable postsof Olympic and standard discs. to allow high and low stances, aIncludes harness.durable chrome plated loading point, and holes on both sidesPB314 125.00to easily attach a harness. The4. TANK M1 and M4removable posts and grab handlesThe TANK M1 offers three levels of make it easy to transport or storeresistance to make your workouts away when not in use. The Standardmatch the intensity you want. model also includes two set ofThe faster you push, the harder it handles but is not as sturdy as thegets. Includes an adjustable and Elite model. frictionless magnetic brake system Standard PB314A2 299.00 that increases resistance with Elite PBE1167 445.00 speed. Inflated soft wheels allow for use on any surface.2. DynasledThe M4 is a larger model and DynaSled is a world-first.Swiftincludes handles at both end of Performance have applied forcethe machine and a higher range of vector measuring technologyresistance.they developed for Olympic trackDimensions: 115cm x 81cm x 95cmcyclists into to the DynaSled. DynaSled is like having a movingM1 PB1250 1,199.00Force Plate that highlightsM4 PB1250A 1,995.001 2 differences in left/right leg5. WheelBarrow Sled contribution and delivers a rangeThe WheelBarrow Sled is anof metrics to assist you in betterall-surface, weight sled perfect for understanding the athletespushing and pulling. It also works dynamics. as a WheelBarrow thanks to the DynaSled delivers the same metricsinbuilt wheel. It has a number in Push Mode including: of innovative features such as a Left & Right Peak Force detachable central weight loading Left & Right Rates of Forcepole, wrap around rail to prevent Development the need to unclip your belt and Left & Right Peak Power strap when changing directionLeft & Right Average Power and stores completely upright to Stride Length save space.Stride Rate3 Velocity PB1130H 345.00AccelerationWeight: 17kg 6. Sled HarnessSize: 870mm x 530mm x 97mm The adjustable harness allows you to find the perfect fit so you can NEW 4 2D Sensor Specifications: take your training to the maximum Force: Strain gageProcessor 32bit M3 comfortably and confidently.Radio : Bluetooth and Wifi PB314G 29.00Antenna: External 2.5dbBattery: Lipo 3.9V 6000mah 7. Sled Pulling BeltCharging: USB Connector Sled Pulling Belt has been expertly designed to make training with PB314N POA sleds and prowlers faster and more 3. Power Speed Sled efficient. The design allows the user Add discs to the sled andto very easily get it on and off the experience resisted sprint training.body. It will fit almost any waist size and has a 2-tonne breaking strain.PB503C 49.005 6 7Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 78'