b'W I T T Y T I M I N G S Y S T E MW I T T Y T I M I N G A C C E S S O R I E SW I T T Y T A B D I S P L A Y B O A R DThe Witty TAB is a lightweight, easily transportable and user-friendly display board and includesW I T T Y R F I D S Y S T E MW I T T Y D U A L B E A M S Y S T E Man LED dot matrix displaying six numeric digits. The Witty TAB display board has an internal timerThe Witty RFID system is an automatic identification system integrated intoThe Witty system can be set up as a dual-beam system, i.e. one Witty cell on and comes complete with a radioeither Witty Timing, SEM or Optojump. The system consists of the Witty RFIDtop of the other, so that only the simultaneous interruption of both photocells transceiver able to communicatereader/writer and the Witty wristbands. The RFID connects to a PC via USBgenerates a signal. This system ensures that the photocells are interrupted with Witty photocells over 150m.allowing the user to assign each wristband to a specified athlete. Once theby the chest and not by the athletes leading arm. It is also possible to add an Powered by a rechargeable batterysoftware has programmed all the necessary wrist bands to each athlete, theunlimited number of photocells to allow multiple intermediate times, see image which gives 10 hours of use.RFID reader is then situated on a tripod next to the Witty system. on page 18.The Witty TAB system includes: display board, tripod, charger and carry bag. The athlete scans the wristband against the RFID, instigating the playersWitty Dual Beam - 2 Gate System PB171 2,888.00profile to be loaded onto the Witty console or PC thus starting the test. TheAdditional Dual Beam Gate PB171A 1,103.00Dimensions: 41.5cm (L) x 13cm (W) x 6cm (D) system can then be set to save tests automatically, ready for the next user to scan in and perform their required test. The Witty RFID system is ideal forW I T T Y S Y S T E M / O P T O J U M P large groups or numbers of athletes and allows for seamless testing across PB173A 1,255.00 multiple stations.I N T E G R A T I O NThe Witty RFID system includes: RFID reader/writer, tripod, 30 RFIDThe Witty system may be used in combination with the Optojump system. wristbands and carry bag. The photocells can give the external start and stop impulses, as well as record VISIT THE WEBSITEFOR MORE INFORMATIONPB173 1.024.00 intermediate times during the sprint test with modular systems. The photocells are set up at the required positions and connect the Witty timer to the PC with ON WITTY PRODUCTS the Optojump software. The photocells will transmit the impulse, which will then interact with the software, see page 16.17performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'