b'C A R D I O V A S C U L A R E Q U I P M E N T / B I K E S , R O W E R S , S K I E R G S & T R E A D M I L L S1. Concept 2 Rower 5. The Concept 2 Bike ErgRecognised by competitive rowersThe Bike Erg has the same flywheel as the standard for indoor training,and Performance Monitor as the the Model D delivers an effectiveConcept 2 Indoor Rower and cardiovascular workout that willSki Erg, bringing to cycling the increase your fitness level and tonestrengths and features previously your physique. brought to rowing and cross-Sophisticated yet easy to use, thecountry skiing.PM5 monitor provides accurateThe flywheel uses air resistance data for every row. The adjustableto create a smooth, quiet ride. The monitor arm on the Model D letsdamper is your gearing, allowing you position the monitor whereyou to adjust the feel of your ride. you prefer. The Model E has a 6The BikeErg also has a clutch, so higher frame for easier access andjust like a real bike, when you stop a double powder-coated glossypedalling, the flywheel keeps on frame. spinning.Models D and E are available inPB620 1,100.00 1light grey or black.Model D (PM5) PB620A 945.00 6. Keiser M3i/M3i Lite/Model E (PM5) PB6211,095.00 M3i Studio Spinning BikeThe M3i/M3i Lite is used in many 2. Concept 2 Ski Erg rehabilitation facilities, includes The Concept 2 Ski Erg wasa unique rear wheel drive and a designed to replicate the polinguser console that displays: RPM, action used in all types of skiing,power output in Watts and heart but offers much more than that. Itrate. The M3i includes Bluetooth provides excellent core exercisesconnectivity to the Keiser and body conditioning as well assoftware.ski-specific training. The new Studio full colour console displays RPM power (Watts), gears Wall mounted PB622 795.00 (1/72), speed, distance, calories and Free standing PB622B995.00 heartrate.3. Assault Bike Pro M3i Lite PB623A1 3,050.00Designed to automatically increaseM3i PB623C 3,235.00resistance as speed is increased,M3i Studio PB623A2 3,598.00 3 4 2the Assault Bike is 100% athlete 7. Assault Air Runner Elitepowered - meaning youre totallyEngineered to naturally mimicS E R V I C I N Gin control of your training. The Assault Air Bike includes a 27 steelabove-ground running, the Assault Runner Elite allowsWe offer a full range of servicing fan for unlimited resistance, easy topackages on all our equipment - adjust saddle and a programmableathletes to test the limits of their training while also promotingplease call for further details.console. proper running form & technique. PB619D1 995.00 Includes moulded squared off sideL E A S I N G shrouds, oval handlebars wrapped 4. Assault Bike Elite in commercial-grade rubber forWe offer full leasing options for The Elite model features a largerbetter grip when holding the sideorders over 1,000. Agreements more robust frame than the Prorails and a moulded plastic inlaycan be set for any period of term and is designed for heavy duty use. with 2 water bottle holders. from 1 to 5 years, with no deposit (subject to status). Contact us for PB619D2 1,325.00 PB816 3,575.00 more details. 5 6 739performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'