b'W E I G H T E D V E S T S & R E S I S T E D J U M P I N G / P L Y O M E T R I C T R A I N I N G1. Shuttle MVP Pro 4. Core X SystemThe Shuttle MVP is especiallyThe exercise science behind the valuable for working with high- Core X System is that it works by level athletes where explosiveincreasing overall trunk muscle power is developed with minimalrecruitment and preferentially joint impact. The MVP allowsbiases transversus abdominals. It you to participate in closed chainincreases proprioceptive stimulus protocols, as well as jumpingand assists in establishing the core protocols. The Shuttle MVPneutral posture and facilitates provides progressive elasticcore contraction through correct resistance in a safe supine positionfunctional posture and movements.that ranges from 5kg-295kgs at full extension. PB1166 85.00PB240 6,635.00 5. Ankle/Wrist WeightsSoft comfortable and adjustable, 2. Weighted Vests for the perfect fit. Priced per pair.1 2 The design ensures the weights and vest remain secure even during the1kg PB288 12.50most physical training.2kg PB288A 18.50Simply add or remove weighted3kg PB288B 22.00packets to adjust the weight of the vest. The unique double-closure6. Vertical Jumperdesign makes it a one size fits all. The perfect training tool for increasing your lower body 9kg PB287 62.00 explosive power. Two people fix the 18kg PB287A 95.00 flexicords to their feet to provide 30kg PB287B 95.00 resisted jump training. Includes: waist belt, ankle straps 3. Hyper Vests and two adjustable flexicords with The Hyper Vest FIT is a unisexcuff ends.weighted vest. Due to its slim design, the vest can be worn on topPB310 33.00of or underneath clothing and will not rub or chafe your skin. Perfect for wearing while training on the pitch or in the gym. Thinnest and most comfortable vest available. Easy to remove weights. 3 4 5 The weight capacities are as follows:Medium - 11.25kg max weight Large - 13.50kg max weight Includes 4.5kg of weight (additional 2.3kg weights available). Machine washable. Hypervest Pro -PB279D 174.44Small VISIT THE WEBSITE FOR Hypervest Pro - Medium PB279E 174.44 MORE INFORMATION Hypervest Pro -PB279F 174.44 AND OPTIONS ON OUR LargeHypervest Pro - XL PB279G 174.44 FUNCTIONAL TRAINING 6 Additional Booster PB280 43.00 EQUIPMENTPack (5lb)Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 74'