b'B A N D S & T U B I N G / S L E E V E D T U B I N G & B A N D S1. Crossover Symmetry Cords 5. Gray Cook Bands exercise or protocol variation, Crossover cords feature patentedAll-purpose bands that can beinside and outside the gym.SlastixTM technology, whichused for chops, lifts, presses,Ideal for Isometric-Dynamic incorporates a nylon safety sleevePNF patterns and more. 5 bandcontrast training, ISO-Rack Strap is that surrounds the entire length ofstretches up to three times itsalso convertible to unconventional the latex tubing. Clips on the tubelength for variable resistance.suspended bodyweight training allow the cords to be fixed to powerSliding foam pads for easy,tool and can be used for concentric/racks, wall clips etc.Price per pair. comfortable grip. A nylon loop ateccentric tandem exercises each end allows the band to beand many other alternative Extra Light (green) PB95045.00 attached to a door or used with applications.Light (purple) PB950A 45.00 1 2 3a trainer.Medium (yellow) PB950B 45.00 PB1320145.00Heavy (red) PB950C 45.00 Light PB323 38.00Very Heavy (blue) PB950D 45.00 Medium PB323A 38.00 9. Stretch BandsUltra Heavy (orange) PB950E 49.00 Heavy PB323B 38.00 A simple tool that assists people to use the correct body positioning 2. Performance Clips 6. Smart Fitness Cables during stretching. Made of high Encased in a strong protectiveand Handles tension webbing, stretch bands are nylon sheath and available inThe interchangeable Fitness Cablesavailable in three sizes. multiple resistances from 23kg toand Smart Slide Handles allowSmall -48kg and two lengths 48 and 72users to create their own resistanceup to 170cm tall PB611 12.85with carabiners on both ends. systems to strengthen and toneMedium -from head to toe. 170cm - 190cm tall PB611A 12.85 448 Light PB34812.50 Large -48 Medium PB348A 14.50 4.5kg (teal)PB27711.00 over 190cm tall PB611B 12.8548 Heavy PB348B 16.50 9kg (purple) PB277A 12.0048 Very Heavy PB348C 18.50 13kg (pink) PB277B 13.00 10. TMR Belt72 Light PB348G 16.50 18kg (magenta) PB277C 14.00 The Tirante Musculador RF TMR 72 Medium PB348H 19.50 22kg (orange) PB277D 15.00 is a simple belt that allows you to 72 Heavy PB348I 22.50 27kg (red) PB277E 16.00 anchor the thighs and leave the 72 Very Heavy PB348J 26.50 31kg (yellow) PB277F 17.00 body hanging, with the centre of 36kg (green) PB277G 18.00 gravity away from the fulcrum of 3. Speed Bands 40kg (blue) PB277H 19.00 the knee and therefore significantly Speed Bands ensure the leg muscles45kg (black) PB277I 20.00 increasing the overload. Research work against the resistance of thehas stated the effects of TMR5 6 7bands. The pack includes two sets7. 4ft Sleeved Tubing are similar to ones obtained with of interchangeable bands - greenDesigned to be durable, compacttraditional strength training. The and red. and lightweight to give a very hardTMR belt can be anchored to a wall PB117647.00 wearing resistance tube.bar, fence etc allowing them to beNEWThe bands are available in sixused anywhere.4. Resistance Tubes resistance levels.TMR Belt - Blue PB630 89.00Great value, quality resistanceExtra Light PB32612.00 TMR Belt - Orange PB630A 89.00tubes. Excellent for home/classesLight PB326A 13.00 TMR Belt - Black PB630B 74.00or personal training use.Medium PB326B 14.00Available in three resistance levels. Heavy PB326C 15.00 11. Band Fixing Foot PlateVery Heavy PB326D 16.00 Designed to enhance your8 9Light PB325E 10.25 resistance band workouts, this Medium PB325F 11.00 Ultra Heavy PB326E 17.00board is designed for strength Heavy PB325G 12.50 8. ISO Rack Strap training, balance exercises and The first worldwide all-in-onestretching. The robust construction portable equipment designedprovides stability during use,NEWspecifically for Isometric Training,while the non-slip surface ensures oriented to Sport Performance ormaximum safety and performance.Rehabilitation training routines. PB1319 95.00Thank to its special fabric structure, made by 18 numbered loops and a wide central area, you can easily set up any Isometric10 1191performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'