b'B L O O D F L O W R E S T R I C T I O N T R A I N I N G1. Occlusion Cuff Pro 3. MAD-UPThe Occlusion Cuff BFR training bands increase muscle strength, size andMAD-UP PRO has revolutionised the BFR Training method due to its endurance even with low loads. Blood flow restriction or Occlusion trainingpersonalised measurement system allowing continuous adaptation of the levels is ideal for accelerating rehabilitation, enhancing performance and a perfectof compression. The patented MAD-UP technology analyses the physiological addition to everyday BFR training.characteristics of the user ensuring optimal and secure treatment. MAD-UP PRO regulates the pressure level applied in the cuffs during each movement in The Occlusion Cuff Pro consists of: real-time, which is necessary to allow the comfort and safety of the user.Occlusion Cuffs x2, Measuring GaugeWith its two path ways, MAD-UP PRO can manage the pressure in each limb Occlusion Cuff Pro- Arms PB216C 125.00 individually. Calculating a personalised LOP is the first step towards a safe and Occlusion Cuff Pro- Legs PB216D 125.00 optimised approach to BFR. Once the muscle starts to exercise and contract repeatedly, the operating pressure, chosen according to the LOP, will constantly vary and can rise to potentially dangerous and uncomfortable levels if not controlled. The MAD-UP technology adjusts this pressure with each muscle contraction to guarantee treatment at the chosen percentage of occlusion throughout the entire session, regardless of the patients movements and position.PB1312 5,469.002. AirBands Restriction CuffsAirBands were the worlds first, fully digital and wireless Blood Flow Restriction training devices, which are controlled seamlessly via Bluetooth from your smartphone. Whether youre an amateur or professional athlete, AirBands are an ideal training aid if youre looking to increase strength, build muscle or train around an injury. There are two models of AirBands available for arms and legs.AirBand Arms PB1165 242.00AirBand Legs PB1165A 252.00PLEASE CONTACT US TO REQUEST A DEMO OR JOIN ONE OF OUR MAD-UP WORKSHOPS29performbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk Prices exclude VAT and delivery'