b'M I N I B A N D S & S T R E N G T H B A N D S / B A N D S & T U B I N G1. Flexvit Mini Bands 4. 41 Strength Bands 8. Superflex BandsThe patented woven rubberThe 41 bands come in four levels ofRolls measure 15cm wide and 15m production technology makes theresistance allowing for progressionor 25m long. Only 90cm is required skin-friendly material very robustin both rehabilitation and athleticfor the majority of workouts. and durable. The Flexvit bands aretraining. Can be used for a varietyPurchase a roll and you decide the soft on the skin with no pinchingof applications including deadlifts,length avoiding wastage.and will not roll up. Fully washableassisted chins/dips and many more.Manufactured from latex for with a 12 month warranty. 32cm (L)Available singularly or in Combi Packs. greater elasticity and longer life.x 8.5cm (W). Mini- redPB3249.00 15m Light - Six different resistance levels. yellow PB612A19.50Medium 1 - purple PB324B 16.00Very Light - yellow PB38512.50 Large 1 - green PB324C 20.00 15m MediumPB612B 26.00- pinkLight - orange PB385A 12.50 X Large 2 - blue PB324D 24.0015m Heavy - Medium - red PB385B 12.50 Combi Pack violet PB612C 32.00 1 2(one of each size) PB324J 59.00Heavy - green PB385C 12.50 15m Extra Heavy Extra Heavy - blue PB385D 12.50 - green PB612D 39.005. 74 Strength BandsUltra Heavy - black PB385E 12.50 74 strength bands are perfect for25m Light -PB612A-25 32.00yellowpartner training and speed/sprint25m Medium 2. Mini Bands training where longer exercise- pink PB612B-25 41.005cm wide bands which stretch upranges are required.It is no longer25m Heavy - to twice their length - ideal for onnecessary to link two 41 bandsviolet PB612C-25 52.00the pitch or in the gym. Exercisestogether to get a longer exercise. 25m Extra Heavy include glute activation, lateral- green PB612D-25 63.00Light - Teal PB324L36.00steps, leg extensions and shoulderMedium - MaroonPB324K 46.00 9. Warm-Up Packstabilisation exercises. 23cm (L) xHeavy - Blue PB324K2 56.00 The Perform Better Warm-Up 5cm (W).Kit contains all the accessories Available singularly or in Combi6. Flexvit Resistance BandsPacks. Made from patented robust Flexvityou need for pre and post work3 4material. Ideal for sprint, jump,out exercises. The kits contents Light - yellow PB3222.50 agility and resistance training.are designed to improve your Medium - green PB322A 2.75 Include two velcro fastenersmobility, flexibility and to also aid Heavy - blue PB322B 3.25 to allow fixing to the hips ormuscle activation. The Warm-Up Extra Heavy - black PB322C 3.50 another band. 190cm (L) x 6cmKit includes, a full Mini Band Set,NEWSingle Combi Pack - (W). Available in four differentStrength Band Set, Space Markers, (1 x yellow, green, PB322D 10.00 resistance levels.4m Outdoor Ladder, a Hockey ball blue & black) and a Carry Bag.Multi Combi Pack - Light - light grey PB38719.75(5 x yellow, green, PB322E 46.00 Medium - blue PB387A 19.75 PB1271A49.00blue & black) Heavy - dark grey PB387B 19.753. 19 Strength Bands Ultra Heavy - black PB387C 19.75The 19 bands allow for both a7. Flexvit Multi Bandsprogression in rehabilitation, plusThe Flexvit Multi Bands allows they can be used for powerliftingfor the re-training of functional5 6applications, including lockouts,movements by strengthening deadlifts and other short strokemuscle chains and by improvingA warm-up is an excellent training techniques. In additionmotor coordination. Several loopsway to effectively prepare they can be used with a regular 41increase the workout options andplayers for training or band in the case of taller individualsmake the exercises adjustable tocompetition. We perform a needing a longer loop. Availableany body length. 275cm (L) x 3cmwarm-up before every court singularly or in Combi Packs. (W). Available in three differentsession to not only enhance Mini- red PB324P9.00 resistance levels. performance on court, but Small- black PB324Q 10.00 Light - orange PB38430.50 also reduce risk of injury with Medium 1 - purple PB324R 13.00 Medium - green PB384A 30.50 our players.Large 1 - green PB324S 16.00 Heavy - blue PB384B 30.50 Katie Denton, Vitality X Large 2 - blue PB324T 19.00 Pack of 10 - orange PB384C 259.00 Roses Strength and Combi PackPack of 10 - green PB384D 259.00 Conditioning Coach(one of each size) PB324Y 55.00 Pack of 10 - blue PB384E 259.00 7 8 9Prices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 92'