b'W A T T B I K E S / C A R D I O V A S C U L A R E Q U I P M E N T NEWThe Wattbike commercial fleet has redefined indoor cycling. Ultra robust, theWattbikes stand up to training sessions from the worlds most powerful athletes. Incredibly versatile, they are equally at home on the side of a rugby pitch as they are in your own home. Astoundingly accurate, the Wattbikes ensure you can make the most of your data during each and every session.Wattbike is used as a cross-training tool by more than 1000 different athletes, teams and national governing bodies globally for a diverse range of sports, including but not limited to: athletics, football, swimming, F1, hockey, rowing, rugby, sailing, MMA, and many more.The Wattbike range uses a combination of air and magnetic resistance to deliver smooth, incremental increases up to a maximum of 3760 watts for the new Wattbike AirPro, and 2000 watts for the AtomX.All Wattbikes are independently tested to deliver +/- 2% accuracy across the full power range.Wattbikes patented analysis tool, the Polar View, allows riders to visualise how they apply force through each pedal stroke so riders can optimise their technique in real-time.The Wattbikes measure over 40 different metrics, collect 100 different1 2data points on the AirPro and 1000 different data points on the AtomX. All Wattbike products also include a number of testing protocols, making them1. Wattbike AirPro 2. Wattbike AtomXideal for sports science and performance testing. Some of the in-built testsThe Wattbike AirPro is engineered for optimal training performance. The Wattbike AtomX is the most advanced commercial smart bike, featuring include: six-second power peak test, three-minute test, 20 minute FTP test,Designed with a fan-based resistance system, it excels in short, intensegroundbreaking design and cutting edge technology. The AtomX includes submaximal ramp test, and maximal ramp test, amongst others. workouts such as HIIT, functional fitness, and mixed-modal training. For high- a feature-filled high-definition touchscreen with a range of workouts and The Wattbike Hub is a training and analysis platform that can be accessed via aintensity training, the AirPro is ideal for intervals, circuits, and explosive powerchallenges, and the bike includes digital shifters that allow riders to seamlessly mobile device, tablet, or web app. The Wattbike Hub app is free for anyone tosessions, allowing for seamless and immediate resistance adjustments. switch between ergo and gear mode, toggle workout screens, or start a new use, and there is no monthly subscription. The quick start-stop interface ensures you can dive into your sessions rightlap. The AtomXs smart resistance changes automatically to precisely map Boot-it from the first pedal stroke. the gradient of any virtual climb or workout, so taking on a climb or in-built The new PTS2 screen gives users more interactive information than theworkout is exactly as tough as it should be.Our latest product Boot-It is compatible with all Wattbike Models. Perfect forprevious Pro screen.rehabilitation work, by increasing the potential output of patients. There are two versions of the AirPro- Low- 2000W and High- 3760W. Wattbike AtomX PB619AX 2,875.00Discover the Boot-It on page 88.Wattbike AirPro Low PB619M1 2,332.50Wattbike AirPro High PBPB619M 2,332.50WE OFTEN HAVE GOOD QUALITY, RECONDITIONED WATTBIKE PROSVISIT THE WEBSITEFOR MORE INFORMATIONIN STOCK- PLEASE CALL FOR PRICING AND AVAILABILITY ON OUR WATTBIKE RANGEPrices exclude VAT and deliveryperformbetter.co.uk01926 813916sales@performbetter.co.uk 40'